Hanfu does not only refer to the attire of the Han Dynasty

Hanfu does not only refer to the attire of the Han Dynasty

Luo Yi is fluttering, and the light train is blown back by the wind. Hanfu has become more and more a new fashion.

Walking on the street, you will see many beauties wearing Hanfu. With a wave of their hands and a move of their feet, they are so elegant that they seem to have stepped out of ancient paintings.

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The gorgeous Hanfu contains thousands of years of Chinese history, and also carries the Chinese people’s life aesthetics, which vividly displays classical, subtle, light and elegant. However, in fact, many people’s understanding of Hanfu is still limited to cosplay.

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Actress Xu Jiao once posted a set of photos of herself wearing Hanfu on Weibo, but netizens criticized her for wearing a kimono, which made people feel sad.

Today, I will take you all to travel back in time and review the history of those beautiful Hanfus!

Hanfu is not the costume of the Han Dynasty. Hanfu is the traditional costume of the Han nation, also known as Han attire, Han costume, and Chinese costume. It was finalized in the Zhou Dynasty and passed down to the Qin Dynasty. Therefore, Hanfu does not just refer to the clothes of one dynasty.

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Hanfu is divided into two types: formal clothes and regular clothes. Formal clothes refer to the clothes worn on important occasions such as sacrifices and weddings. They are dignified and elegant. Regular clothes are casual clothes worn in daily life.

How did Hanfu develop?

Hanfu has evolved over a long period of time. A history of Hanfu is equal to half of the history of Chinese civilization. Taking women's clothing as an example, Hanfu shows its unique charm!

Qin and Han

In the pre-Qin period, women often wore long-sleeved clothes, long skirts, and high-top silk sandals. At that time, people often referred to clothes as clothes and skirts, with clothes on top and clothes on the bottom.

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The costumes of the Qin and Han Dynasties adopted the "deep clothing system", which was characterized by Zen crowns, Zhuyi, Fangxin, Tianling, and Zhulu. The clothing was generally called Chanyi. Most of the clothes were black, and the darker colors were used to better highlight the simple beauty.

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Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties

In the romantic Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, the costumes were extremely romantic. The elegant long skirt is a standard outfit for aristocratic ladies. It is decorated with different edges on the cuffs, placket, and hem. The striped colorful long skirt worn on the lower body is very jumping. Tie a silk belt around the waist to show off a woman's graceful figure.

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At that time, women who loved beauty would wear their hair in high buns and add exquisite jewelry. Their long skirts would often drag on the ground, which was beautiful and luxurious!

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Sui and Tang Dynasties

During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, everyone knew that women were beautiful because they were slightly fat. The popular women's clothing style at that time was long skirts with small sleeves and high waists, which were tied above the chest.

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The basic attire is a three-piece suit: skirt, shirt, and trousers. Women often wear a short jacket or blouse, a long skirt, a shawl, and a half-arm traditional Hanfu attire.

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The shawl was a fashionable dress at that time, equivalent to our current shawl. Moreover, women in the Tang Dynasty often wore a layer of soap gauze to cover their faces when going out, creating a hazy beauty that attracted the attention of countless wealthy children.

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Song and Yuan Dynasty

The floor-length skirts worn during the Song and Yuan Dynasties are out! At this time, the long skirt can be lower than the floor and you can show your feet. Women in the Song Dynasty wore narrow-sleeved shorts on the upper body and long skirts on the lower body. They usually wore a double-breasted gown outside the top.

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In the Yuan Dynasty, women’s clothing became very special.Mainly robes, half-arm skirts worn by civilian women are also quite popular. Dancers in the palace often wore Han costumes, and the narrow-sleeved shirts and hats of the Tang Dynasty were also preserved.

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Ming Dynasty

In the Ming Dynasty, women's clothing buttons were a tool for dressing up. They were made of metal or jade, with complex carvings or round and simple styles. One or two buttons with complicated craftsmanship were also added to the stand-up collar. , full marks for scheming! The clothing styles are very rich, with elegance and simplicity as the fashion.

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"Wear the clothes of our Han family and build our country of etiquette." Wearing a fluttering Hanfu, combing your hair in a traditional bun, and wearing classical makeup, the simple heritage hidden in the bones of the Chinese people is vividly displayed. !