Exploring Tang Dynasty mysteries in film with Hanfu's high-waisted Ruqun

Exploring Tang Dynasty mysteries in film with Hanfu's high-waisted Ruqun

For a long time on TV screens, costume dramas dominated by Qing Dynasty palace dramas. There are many reasons, but one of the big reasons is that it is close to us. It must be only two or three hundred years behind us. As the last feudal dynasty, the Qing Dynasty (1636-1912) has relatively comprehensive historical data.

The Chinese nation has always had comprehensive and long-lasting historical records and continuous civilization. "Who cares if the history of more than 4,000 years has not been interrupted? I am the Chinese." - Liang Qichao.

There are good stories that can be filmed in all dynasties. Not to mention the Qin and Han Dynasties, there are many popular works in the Tang, Song and Ming Dynasties, such as Di Renjie, Empress Wu Zetian of the Tang Dynasty, the unofficial history "The Romance of the Sui and Tang Dynasties", Song Ci, the torturer of the Song Dynasty, and Bao Qingtian, who is surrounded by Ma Han of the Dynasty, has classic works such as "Young Bao Qingtian", "Three Heroes and Five Righteousnesses", "Water Margin", etc. The rule of the Yuan Dynasty feels darker, you can read "The Legend of Heaven and the Dragon Sword", and there is a commoner in the Ming Dynasty. The stories of Zhu Chongba, Zhu Di, the richest man Shen Wanshan, the peasant uprising Li Zicheng, a generation of loyal ministers Yuan Chonghuan, and Hai Rui can all be explored, as well as the classic historical drama "Ming Dynasty 1566".

The new online drama "The Strange Stories of the Tang Dynasty" that I recently finished watching has a Douban score of 7.9, which makes it a top student. The "Twelve Hours of Chang'an" can be used as a reference for the Tao of Fu Hua in the prosperous period of the Tang Dynasty. The overall Tao of Fu Hua is still very good. Just like someone on the Internet said that the money for this drama was not spent on hiring famous actors, but more careful filming of the story, scenes and content.

This play mainly talks about "strange" (strange) cases. There are disciples of Di Gong, who are always trying to make things mysterious and pretend to be gods and ghosts to highlight the story. Su Wuming, a disciple of Di Gong, is brave. Martial arts can't stop his IQ from being online, he is meticulously observant, and he is brave and resourceful.

Exploring Tang Dynasty mysteries in film with Hanfu

Cherry and Su Wuming who appeared in the last two stories (stills)

When traveling in dangerous rivers and lakes to solve some mysterious cases, helpers are indispensable, such as Lu Lingfeng, a powerful general in martial arts, Pei Xijun, a painter with outstanding memory, Fei Jishi, a disciple of a generation of miracle doctors, Xue Huan, a capable disciple, and Su who appeared last The nameless daughter-in-law Cherry made the audience enjoy the sweet CP for a while, forming an invincible crime-solving team. There is also a modern drama "Hunter" about the portraitist solving the case.The Illustrated Guide to Sin.

Exploring Tang Dynasty mysteries in film with Hanfu

In every case in the play, both the male and female actors have excellent acting skills. Online stills of the case of "Human Face Flower"

The overall character of the characters is quite distinct. Looking at Lu Lingfeng, who claims to be a member of the famous Lu family in Fan Yang, he often makes some risky mistakes and finally saves the day. The most fascinating thing about these cases is that at the last moment, there is a narrative layer of "there is only one truth" Deducing layer by layer, discovering flaws in the details, telling the story behind it sonorously and forcefully, giving people a sense of sudden enlightenment.

Exploring Tang Dynasty mysteries in film with Hanfu

Stills of the "Stone Bridge Picture" case of Nanzhou Four Sons

The play involves nine strange cases of different styles, such as "Chang'an Black Tea", "Stone Bridge Picture", "The Hall of All Living Beings", "Huangmei Killing", "Gantangyi Weird Tales", "The God of God", "Human Face Flower" and "Tower". The main criminals have all pleaded guilty. Fufa is not the kind of person who kills fish or kills the net. The motive of the crime is not too profound (it makes people think deeply or make people feel sad). For example, there are people who are unhappy in life and bring harm to the people. The relatively profound ones are "Gantangyi Weird Talk" and "Stone Bridge Picture". 》Reflects some of the evils of human nature. "The Hall of All Living Beings" is also a bit profound. People who become crazy after focusing on themselves are dangerous people. All scientific research must be conducted within certain rules for unlimited exploration. Otherwise, the greater the ability, the greater the harm.

You should also learn some knowledge while watching the drama

The background of this play is: the struggle for power between Prince Li Longji and his aunt Princess Taiping. The Fan Yang Lu family is often mentioned in the play. I checked the encyclopedia.

The tombs in my hometown are all engraved with the Fan Yang Lu family, so I checked: the ancestor of the Lu family's famous family was called Lu Zhi, who was Liu Bei's teacher in the Three Kingdoms (his descendants also produced many imperial teachers). He rose from the Eastern Han Dynasty until the Tang Dynasty, when there were Eight prime ministers were appointed, and "King Cui Lu Zheng" was collectively known as the four surnamed Gaomen. It slowly declined after the Song Dynasty. Watching the drama, I know that before the imperial examination, it was mainly a recommendation system. For example, there was a talent fair, where people competed in poems to display their knowledge. Outstanding performance would be appreciated by high-ranking officials and nobles.

Baidu Encyclopedia

A small encyclopedia of women's clothing in the Tang Dynasty:

The Ru skirt is a type of Hanfu. The short coat worn on the upper body and the skirt tied on the lower body are collectively called the Ru skirt. It is a typical "top and lower skirt" clothing system. The top is called "Ru", which is short in length, usually no longer than the knee. In the northwest region during the Han and Jin Dynasties, it was mostly a skirt with a waist and no side slits. The lower body is called a "skirt". "Ruqun" is actually the collective name of two types of clothing. Ruqun appeared in the Warring States Period and rose in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties.

Baidu Encyclopedia