Is the Hanfu horse-face skirt related to horses

Is the Hanfu horse-face skirt related to horses

Is the Hanfu horse-face skirt related to horses - Image 1

The "first dress of spring" must be the horse-faced skirt. Many people wear horse-faced skirts to enjoy the beautiful spring scenery and visit historical sites. The horse-faced skirt is one of the ancient Chinese women’s skirt styles. Why is it still loved by people today?

La tradicia ĉina jupo mamianqun certe estas la plej populara jupo por virinoj en tiu. Surhavante mamianqun, ili vizitas antikvajn vidindejojn kaj ĝuas la belan tempon. ĝi estas ankoraŭ ŝatata de nunaj junulinoj?&x-expires=1712745937&x-signature=fhFd6FIK2xxMlk00J%2B2fW8y9Bpk%3D ">

Is the Hanfu horse-face skirt related to horses - Image 2

Is the Hanfu horse-face skirt related to horses - Image 3

Is "horse face" the face of a horse?

Ne, ne, ne... The horse-faced skirt has nothing to do with Marco. The most widely accepted theory at present is that "horse face" is a fake "ma face" and refers to the piers used for military defense in ancient times. This kind of pier is tall and protruding, with undulating defensive walls on both sides that resemble skirt pleats. The skirts of the horse-faced skirt overlap in pairs to form a trapezoidal smooth surface, which is similar to the pier, hence the name.

Mamian signifas vizaĝon de ĉevalo, sed mamianqun havas neniajn rilatojn kun ĉevalo. Mamianqun, kio havas similan trapezan formon kiel la abutmento, ricevas sian nomon mamian.


military defense milita defendo

trapezoid trapezo

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The history of horse-faced skirt

The horse skirt consists of horse face and pleats. The prototype of the horse-face skirt originated from the spiral skirt in the Song Dynasty, which is a two-piece skirt.

Mamianqun konsistas el la fronta ŝtofo mamian kaj faldoj. Ĝi, konsistanta el du ŝtofoj, originis de la jupo xuanqun el la dinastio Song.

Composed of konsisti el

For example: La vorto konsistas el du partoj. (This word consists of two parts.)

from origini de

For example: Teo originis de Ĉinio kaj nun ĝi estas populara en la tuta mondo. (Tea, originated from China, popular in the world.)

The word "horse face" first appeared in "History of the Ming Dynasty": "The drag strip has a continuous back collar, and there are swings on the sides, the front collar is in two sections, and there are horse face pleats underneath, rising to both sides."

During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, horse-faced skirts were popular. Horse-faced skirts in the Ming Dynasty were often decorated with pleats (the bottom of the skirt and the knees were decorated with wide edges with various patterns, called "plits"). The patterns were diverse and had rich meanings. Animal patterns such as dragons and phoenixes symbolize good luck and a good marriage. Among plant patterns, peonies represent wealth and chrysanthemums represent longevity.

Compared with the horse-faced skirts of the Ming Dynasty, the styles of the horse-faced skirts of the Qing Dynasty were more complicated. The horse-faced skirts of the Ming Dynasty were basically fixed to a few pairs of large pleats on the left and right sides, while women in the Qing Dynasty liked to have fine pleats on the sides of the horse-faced skirts, and even Pleated.

What did the ancient horse-faced skirt look like?

We went to the museum to trace its origins and see what the “top-notch” horse-faced skirts in ancient times looked like.

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Ming Dynasty blue tangled four-season flower woven gold damask skirt

The horse-faced skirt pictured above comes from the Shandong Museum and is an old collection of the Confucius House. It is generally inferred to be worn by more noble women. The damask used in this horse-faced skirt has the most complex weaving technology among Nanjing Yunjin brocades. It is the pinnacle of Chinese silk history and cannot be replaced by machines to this day. Because the weaving technology of this kind of silk satin has reached the pinnacle in the history of Chinese silk, the color of the fabric, the arrangement and use of golden threads on the pieces are also very particular, making the whole skirt golden, so it is called the horse face handed down from the Ming Dynasty. Skirt "benchmark".

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Flower and bird horse face skirt

Another white dark floral gauze embroidered bird pattern skirt in the Shandong Museum collection is also the "white moonlight" in the minds of many people. The face of this horse-faced skirt is relatively straight, and the flower and bird pictures on it are typical Lu embroidery. Lu embroidery is different from other embroidery methods in that the threads used are thicker and the patterns embroidered are very three-dimensional.

Horse-faced skirt: a favorite among young people

The horse-faced skirt, which combines tradition and fashion, has become increasingly popular among young people. The "2024 Douyin E-commerce Women's Consumption Trend Data Report" in March this year showed that in 2023, the number of orders for horse-faced skirts by female consumers on the platform increased by 841% year-on-year, and the number of Hanfu orders increased by 336% year-on-year. In Caoxian County, Shandong Province, the main production area of ​​horse-faced skirts, sales in the first two months of this year were close to 550 million yuan.

La jupo, kiu kombinas tradicion kaj modernecon, fariĝis ege ŝatata de virinoj.The level of mamianqun is 841%, the level of hanfu-rilataj is 336%. j en la 2024.