Inviting you to join a Hanfu themed garden party

Inviting you to join a Hanfu themed garden party

During the Qingming Festival, the willows linger and the breeze is gentle. On the afternoon of April 5, a spring-filled Hanfu garden party was held lively at the Cultural Plaza of Liuyin Park in Beijing, where people shot willows, played tops, and flew kites, allowing traditional culture lovers and tourists to immerse themselves in Chinese Qingming customs and feel The charm of China’s excellent traditional culture. ( trainee reporter Zhang Luzhuo)

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On April 5, in Liuyin Park in Beijing, participants wearing Hanfu were flying simple kites. Flying kites is a Qingming Festival custom that has been passed down to this day. Ancient people flew kites for peace and health. (Photo by Zhang Luzhuo)

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On April 5, in Liuyin Park in Beijing, traditional culture enthusiasts were doing opera broadcast gymnastics. (Photo by Zhang Luzhuo)

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On April 5, in Beijing’s Liuyin Park, participants experienced the “shooting willows” activity. Shooting willows is a unique game in ancient China for practicing archery skills. It is also one of the ancient customs of China's Qingming Festival, which means to ward off misfortunes and pray for blessings. (Photo by Zhang Luzhuo)

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On April 5, in Beijing’s Liuyin Park, participants experienced the “shooting willows” activity. (Photo by Zhang Luzhuo)

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On April 5, in Liuyin Park in Beijing, tourists visited the intangible cultural heritage market.