Chinese-style Hanfu represents the pinnacle of aesthetics

Chinese-style Hanfu represents the pinnacle of aesthetics

Victoria's Secret, which once put the "Northeast Flower Coat" and "Oriental Dragon" on the catwalk, has stopped.

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Just when I was about to complain that "I don't even understand what Chinese style is", no wonder I can't do well in fashion, the "national style clothes" in our domestic fashion week were directly named by British Vogue and were ridiculed to the extreme.

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In response to this, the dissatisfied editor immediately went to pick up the clothes from the 2020 China International Fashion Week. After reading it, I just wanted to say "What are you doing" without tears.

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Friendly reminder, please be mentally prepared to watch the following "My Fashion You Don't Understand Series"

"Devils and ghosts"

When it comes to Chinese style, the “official color”—Chinese red—is indispensable. It appeared at this fashion week, a red outfit that was a bit scary, and the model on the catwalk looked like a "ghost bride" in a horror movie.

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They said the red clothes are scary and the white clothes are dissatisfied. They use their strength to tell the audience that we sisters in white have the ability to bleed from all our orifices.

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Where there are ghosts, there must be demons and monsters. Not only crow spirits, black-bone chicken spirits, and spider spirits that are still spinning silk, they also come to the fashion world to join in the fun.

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Even if you have money, you don't dare to buy it. The designer is considerate. When he knew it was cold in winter, he immediately offered "Death Mink".

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In order to further highlight the affordability and the noble temperament of the mink coat, the mink is also designed with leopard print. This simple and rough "rich" style is the level that the editor would rather freeze than wear it.

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A strong man also has the "lace style" of a girl's heart

The most eye-catching people at this fashion week are undoubtedly the "strong men" with girlish hearts. In order to highlight their unique aesthetics, designers have found unique ways to dress male models in indescribable clothes. .

In order to show that there are not only mermaid princesses but also princes, the male models, big and small, were put on costumes with bling bling scales. I begged to let the little male model go, he is still just a child!

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Only fish scales may not be enough to satisfy a girl's heart, see-through lace is indispensable for a "handsome style" walk.

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Seeing this, you may ask us, Chinese civilization has lasted for five thousand years. Is the Chinese style created only ugly and vulgar?

wrong! The ugliness you see is never Chinese style, but comes from the translated word "Chinoiserie" in the French dictionary. The real Chinese style is that the delicacy and elegance in the heart have nothing to do with ugliness, vulgarity and earthiness.

Beautiful Chinese style leads fashion

Some people may ask, why do Chinese people, who always value sophistication, fall apart when it comes to fashion? You can always design something ugly and shocking. But that is not the case, the true Chinese style has always been fashionable.

Xiong Ying’s own women’s clothing brand Gaia Legend has shocked Paris Fashion Week four times.

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The wedding dresses and dresses designed by Lan Yu have been featured in the Grand Palais in Paris, the highest palace of haute couture for many years.

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National brands such as Li Ning and Peacebird, which were once complained about as "unfashionable", have also made a comeback and exploded in international fashion weeks.

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Fortunately, these are not the only ones who lead national fashion and enter the international stage, there are also them...

Guo Pei: Chinese style can be very advanced

In recent years, the Chinese style has become increasingly popular in the weddings of celebrities, from Liu Shishi to Michelle Chen to Tang Yan.They all put on Chinese wedding dresses. And their wedding dresses were all made by a designer - Guo Pei

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To say how awesome Guo Pei is, just the labels attached to her are astonishing enough. Time magazine ranked her as "the most influential person in the world", "the first person in China's haute couture" and "China's Chanel" in 2016. Designer of Spring Evening Dresses for 2010.

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Guo Pei can be said to be a designer who grew up completely in China. She started learning painting and came into contact with fashion design in China. She likes traditional and ancient gorgeous embroidery. There are more than 300 seniors in her workshop. , a craftsman with profound embroidery skills.

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Every wedding dress and haute couture dress she designs is made by these craftsmen.It is completed with stitches and stitches, and the production time usually takes tens of thousands of hours. If you want to wear the clothes she designs, you need to wait very patiently.

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As for how to interpret Chinese style, Guo Pei once said that she did not know how to express the most perfect Chinese style. The culture she had been exposed to since childhood was engraved in her life. Sometimes when she made clothes, she did not deliberately emphasize the Chinese style, but after seeing it, Westerners I would say that there are many Chinese elements in clothes.

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Angel Chen: Chinese style can be trendy

As the first Chinese designer H&M collaborates with, you may not be familiar with the name Angel Chen, but her works have already been favored by celebrities such as Li Yuchun, Yi Yangqianxi, and Wang Yibo.

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As a designer born in the 90s, Angel Chen's Chinese-style clothing is really trendy. She likes to recombine folk totems full of mystery and fantasy, and the bright colors collide with each other. All black is almost never seen in her designs.

Perhaps in Angel Chen's view, combining certain elements of traditional culture with everything in the trend is the national style world of the new generation.

Just like she once said, "I am very proud that I am a Chinese designer. I have the obligation and courage to promote Chinese design to all parts of the world!"

The inheritance of national style and craftsmen

There are many Chinese-style designers as outstanding as them, such as Lawrence Xu, who has been controversial but is still sought after by everyone. He once designed a dragon robe for Fan Bingbing.

Ma Ying, who has designed for European royal clients many times