Actress Tong Liya Shoots Magazine Photos in Luoyang

Actress Tong Liya Shoots Magazine Photos in Luoyang


Actress Tong Liya Shoots Magazine Photos in Luoyang - Image 1 Screenshot of "Fashion Travel" magazine's official Weibo

On the 23rd and 24th, "Fashion Travel" magazine published multiple sets of photos of actress Tong Liya on the Sina Weibo platform. The theme of this group of photos is "Flowers in Luoyang". They were taken in Longmen Grottoes, Shanshan Guild Hall, Tianxiang Peony Garden and other places. There are many "Luoyang elements".

Among them, in the Longmen Grottoes, Tong Liya was wearing a Hanfu made in the Tang Dynasty, standing on a cruise ship on the Yi River, her skirts fluttering in the wind. This scene made many netizens sigh: "Is this the Hanfu of the Tang Dynasty?" "Luoyang and Hanfu are a perfect match!"...

Yesterday, reporters interviewed the costume (Hanfu) restoration guide for this shooting Chen Shiyu, a costume history scholar and director of the Chinese Costume Culture Research Association, learned about the Luoyang story behind Tong Liya’s Han costume makeup.

Chen Shiyu introduced that when Tong Liya was photographed at the Longmen Grottoes, the style of Hanfu she wore was popular in the Wu Zhou Dynasty. The neckline of her top was V-shaped and the opening was lower. Compared with the U-shaped dress that was also popular in the Tang Dynasty, With a flat collar, this top exposes even more skin. It can also be seen from this that after Wu Zetian ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor in Luoyang, she had a clear influence on women's clothing in the Tang Dynasty.

The red skirt that matches the top has a nice name - pomegranate skirt. After the death of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, Wu Zetian left the palace and went to Ganye Temple. In order to regain the opportunity to enter the palace, she once wrote the poem "Ruyi Niang". "If you don't believe me, I have shed tears recently, so I opened the box to check out the pomegranate skirt" is one of the lines in the poem, and the pomegranate skirt mentioned is just like the one Tong Liya is wearing. With this poem, Wu Zetian saved Li Zhi, Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty, and then had the opportunity to become empress and emperor.

In addition to the pomegranate skirt, Tong Liya also wears a short skirt from the waist to just above the knees, which is quite similar to the apron worn by modern people when cooking. This skirt is also called a waist skirt. Chen Shiyu introduced that layering long skirts and short skirts was one of the fashionable outfits for women in the Tang Dynasty, which also confirms the saying that women in the Tang Dynasty loved layering skirts.

Actress Tong Liya Shoots Magazine Photos in Luoyang - Image 2 Luobo is exhibiting Tong Liya's "same style but different colors" Hanfu (photo provided by correspondent)

It is worth mentioning that in the "Chinese Clothing Series Exhibition - Shishang·Wu Zetian" exhibition at Luoyang Museum (referred to as Luobo), There are Hanfus of the same style but different colors as Tong Liya's, that is, the Hanfus have the same shape, but the patterns and colors of the tops are different. "We have rearranged the colors of Luo Boli's Hanfu. The top of the Hanfu worn by Tong Liya is made of brocade with lotus patterns on red ground from Tang Dynasty." Chen Shiyu said.

Paired with this set of Hanfu, Tong Liya’s hairstyle is also closely related to Luoyang. The double-ring bun was popular in the Tang and Song Dynasties. Women's hair was usually divided into two strands and tied into a ring shape with silk ribbons, towering above the top of the head or on both sides of the head. In Luoboli, a group of Tang Dynasty painted female dancing figurines with double buns unearthed in Xitou Village, Mengjin County, have this hairstyle.

The Hanfu and Tang painted double-bun female dancing figurines mentioned in the article are currently on display. If you are interested, you can go to Luoyang Museum to appreciate them. (Luo Bao Media·Luoyang Net reporter Li Xiaonan correspondent Li Jun)