Dressed in Hanfu, Attend the Flower Festival at the Botanical Garden

Dressed in Hanfu, Attend the Flower Festival at the Botanical Garden

China News Service, Shenyang, May 1 (Reporter Zhao Guihua) The clear breeze, clear water, and green trees and red peach trees outline a beautiful spring scenery. On May 1st, the 2024 Shenyang Botanical Garden’s second Flower Festival with the theme of “A Hundred Beauties and Thousands of Beauties Share a Flower Festival” officially kicked off. The colorful clothes reflected the spring scenery and the Flower Festival was alluring.

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A glimpse of the Flower Festival. Photo provided by the Propaganda Department of Hunnan District Committee

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A glimpse of the Flower Festival. Photo provided by the Propaganda Department of Hunnan District Committee

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Opening ceremony scene. Photo provided by the Propaganda Department of Hunnan District Committee

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The magnificent "Dancing in Feather Clothes" was performed at the opening ceremony. Photo courtesy of the Propaganda Department of the Hunnan District Committee

During the festival, visitors can immerse themselves in experiencing the flower god’s blessing ceremony and parade, play national trend interactive games, enjoy the tulip flower show, and listen to small volunteers talk about the botanical garden. , visit Moxiang Yaji, Huachao Market, and Secretary Shopman's agricultural and sideline product recommendation meeting... let tourists experience the feast of flowers, appreciate traditional Chinese culture, and jointly experience the "most stunning" Chunshan romantic cultural tourism scene in Shenyang's modern urban area.

Flower God travels quickly. Photo courtesy of the Propaganda Department of the Hunnan District Committee

The Flower Festival, also known as the Flower God's Festival and the Girl's Day, is a traditional cultural festival in ancient my country. Together with the Mid-Autumn Festival, it is known as the "Flower Festival and Moon Festival". On the Flower Festival, girls get together to play and make friends. Young women love to admire red flowers and worship the God of Flowers, eat flower cakes, and perform flower rituals, praying that they will be as vibrant and beautiful as flowers.

The main venue of this Flower Festival in Shenyang Botanical Garden is located along the line from Phoenix Square to the Central Area Exhibition Garden. In spring, the flowers bloom, and the two major ceremonies of the Flower God Ceremony and the Flower God Parade lead the beginning. The God of Flowers and the flower girls lead the participants to worship the God of Flowers according to ancient rituals, praying for peace and happiness in the prosperous world; there are five scenes including flower make-up, ringing the bell for blessing, feasting on spring scenery, meandering water drinking glasses, and collection of ink fragrance. Build and restore the scenes and customs of the Flower Festival in ancient times; "Tossing Pots", "Shooting Ceremony", "Cuju", "Puiwan", there are many ancient and national trend interactive game experience projects that you can play non-stop. There are also nine performing arts activities that are regularly performed to meet tourists, including growing flowers and grass, listening to books on the stage, dancing with butterfly, and admiring hairpin flowers. Walking in the central exhibition garden makes people feel like they have traveled through ancient times. On one side, the Flower Goddess in Hanfu plays a "Flower Dynasty Game" with tourists, while on the other side there is a lively performance of "Embroidery House Selection", allowing participants to immerse themselves in the traditional cultural atmosphere.

A grand tulip flower show. Photo provided by the Propaganda Department of Hunnan District Committee

In addition, the 18th Tulip Flower Show of Shenyang Botanical Garden has entered its peak flowering period. 500,000 tulips and nearly 100 varieties of tulips are in bloom, including more than 30 new varieties including Cathay, gem, cherry blossom, rice, eyelash, moonlight box, and Labrador. The much-anticipated "King of Flowers" Cathay Tulip is a tulip variety with deep purple feather petals. As a new member of the tulip family, it can be called the best among tulips. There are very few "Cathay" tulip bulbs in the world. More than 2,000 tulip bulbs are on display in the scenic area this time, which are of great ornamental value. (End)

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Twelve flower gods and little flower girls made a wonderful appearance in the "Hundred Flowers Presentation". Picture provided by the Propaganda Department of Hunnan District Committee

(Source: China News Network)

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