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chinese zodiac dress up, easy hanfu hairstyles, linen hanfu

“I wanted to prepare a commemorative Mother’s Day gift, and finally decided to take her to take a set of Hanfu photos.” In the end, Zhao Meng chose a photography studio on Meituan that focuses on “new Chinese style”.

The new Chinese fashion represented by Hanfu is moving from the niche culture of young people to the streets. Having a set of Hanfu photos has also become a "social symbol" for young people. "I hope my mother can live younger and understand young people better," Zhao Meng said.

Meituan data shows that various packages favored by young people have reached a peak in bookings before Mother’s Day. In the week before Mother's Day this year, the search volume of keywords related to "Mother's Day Photography" and "Mother's Day Photo" increased by 191% and 162% year-on-year respectively, and the search volume of the keyword "Mother's Day Massage" increased by 136% year-on-year.

“Making mothers younger has become the first choice for many young people to give gifts on Mother’s Day.” Analysts from Meituan Research Institute believe that “from the perspective of consumption habits, intergenerational integration is becoming today’s trend. New Topic".

“Take your mother to live young” has become a new trend in gift giving on Mother’s Day

“I originally thought that after the May Day holiday, the passenger flow would decrease a lot, but I didn’t expect that there would still be quite a lot of people booking photos for this weekend. ", a photographer at a Hanfu photo studio in Luoyang told reporters, "Later I asked the boss and found out that this Sunday is Mother's Day. This year, many children plan to take their mothers to take a set of Mother's Day photos and keep them as a record. "To commemorate."

"We young people like to have a massage to relax. Mom thinks it's expensive and has never experienced it. This time I plan to take her to enjoy it." Talking about the arrangements for Mother's Day, he lives in Chaoyang District, Beijing. Zhang Qi said with a smile, "We have already booked a time for Sunday."

This year's Mother's Day, taking mothers to "leisure and experience" the holiday has become a new choice for young people, and according to Meituan data , the number of bookings for leisure and relaxation items such as taking photos, watching movies, and foot massages has also increased year-on-year, and many merchants have also taken advantage of the trend to launch "Mother's Day packages."

Hanfu photo shoots and massage regimen were originally considered leisure activities for young people. On Mother’s Day, they have also become a way for many young people to express their love for their mothers.

"Rather than sending flowers, it is better to make my mother feel relaxed and happy. More importantly, I should also give her the trends of young people. My mother is not old at all," Zhang Qi said.

chinese zodiac dress up, easy hanfu hairstyles, linen hanfu - Image 1

chinese zodiac dress up, easy hanfu hairstyles, linen hanfu - Image 2

▲ Luoyang Hanfu photo shop launched Mother’s Day packages, and the Hanfu photography was deeply loved by consumers (Source: Dianping)

“Young people maintain health, mothers wear Hanfu”, and consumption is showing a trend of modern integration

In terms of local consumption, the trend of intergenerational integration has been accelerating in recent years.

A person from the Meituan Research Institute said, “On the one hand, young people are beginning to delve into activities such as health preservation, eating fast, and copying scriptures that were popular among middle-aged and elderly people in the past. On the other hand, Hanfu photos and other activities have also become popular among middle-aged and elderly people. Fashion Consumption”.

The above-mentioned Luoyang merchant said that since last year, many middle-aged and elderly customers have booked Hanfu photos, and this year the number has increased. The store has specially purchased a large number of Hanfu suitable for middle-aged and elderly people. “For them, Hanfu means both classicism and youth."

At the same time, leisure activities such as health preservation and scripture copying, which used to be regarded as "only for middle-aged and elderly people", have become the new favorites of young people. Meituan data shows that consumers aged 20-35 have become the main user group of foot massage, accounting for about 75%. The "Generation Z Nutrition Consumption Trend Report" also shows that young consumers aged 18 to 35 account for 88.7% of health and wellness consumers.

“On Mother’s Day this year, many young people have begun to pay attention to the needs of mothers to keep up with the times. This is not only the result of consumption integration, but also a sign of the changes in intergenerational communication in China.” The above-mentioned Meituan research personnel think. (Promotion)