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Investment World 24H Time: Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Important News

Self-driving company Momenta plans to IPO in the United States, raising up to US$300 million

According to Bloomberg News on May 6, Chinese self-driving technology company Beijing Momenta Technology Co., Ltd. (Momenta) has secretly launched the process of IPO in the United States. Momenta is working closely with CICC, Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and UBS Group AG and expects to complete the listing as early as this year. It is reported that Momenta is expected to raise US$200 million to US$300 million through this IPO.

Currently, relevant deliberations are still ongoing, and Momenta may still decide not to list in the United States. Momenta, Goldman Sachs and UBS declined to comment, while CICC did not respond to a request for comment.

Paramount is reported to have agreed to formally begin negotiations with the Sony-Apollo acquisition consortium

According to people familiar with the matter, Paramount has agreed to formally enter into negotiations with an acquisition consortium led by Sony Pictures Entertainment and private equity giant Apollo. Negotiations began after an exclusive 30-day negotiating window between Paramount and Skydance expired last Friday. It was reported that the Sony-Apollo consortium submitted a cash offer worth $26 billion to Paramount last week. (Interface)

Henkel announced the completion of the acquisition of Sassoon's business in Greater China

On May 6, Henkel announced the completion of the acquisition of Sassoon's business in Greater China. Previously, Henkel signed an agreement with P&G to acquire the Sassoon brand and related hair care businesses in Greater China. Henkel said that the addition of Sassoon will complement Henkel’s consumer brand business portfolio in China and fill the gap in the high-end retail market. (Interface)

Sales in Xiangpiaopiao’s official live broadcast room surged 400 times

Recently, some netizens revealed that the products of Xiangpiaopiao’s MECO juice tea in Japanese stores were printed with slogans mocking the discharge of nuclear sewage into the sea. On the evening of May 4, Xiangpiaopiao’s official Weibo posted a response: “Our employees are great!”. On the evening of May 5, Xiangpiaopiao CEO Yang Dongyun walked into the live broadcast room and expressed that he would reward good employees with 100,000 yuan and donate all live broadcast income from 8:00 to 24:00 that night to the Environmental Protection Foundation. The reporter checked the third-party data platform and found that after the incident sparked continued heated discussion, more than 10 million netizens poured into the Douyin live broadcast room of Xiangpiaopiao's official flagship store on the 4th and 5th to buy the same product. The store's live broadcast day sales increased from the original skyrocketing of 2,500 yuanto 1 million yuan, an increase of up to 400 times. The anchor also said in the live broadcast room that the same cup holder is out of stock and will be reissued later. (Blue Whale)

A unicorn was just born in Changshu, Hengtong High Voltage is valued at 18 billion

A super unicorn was born in Jiangsu.

The investment community has learned that Hengtong Optoelectronics recently announced that it plans to continue to introduce four strategic investors to Jiangsu Hengtong High-voltage Submarine Cable Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Hengtong High-voltage"), including CCB Investment, Bank of China Assets, Hainan Zhongying and Changshu Economic Development and Development Fund totaled 1.03 billion yuan, which was also the company's first round of external financing.

What is striking is that the announcement revealed that Hengtong High Voltage’s post-investment valuation has reached 18.5 billion yuan.

What is the origin of the little-known Hengtong High Pressure? Located in the Economic Development Zone of Changshu City, Hengtong High Voltage was established in 2009 and focuses on marine energy. The person at the helm behind it is Cui Genliang, the founder of Hengtong Group. He retired from the army and returned to his hometown to start a business in the 1980s. He started with cables and led Hengtong Optoelectronics to ring in the IPO in 2003.

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Hanfu brand wants to invest 180 million in Wei Zhe

The investment community-Decoding LP learned that recently, Disu Fashion (stock code: 603587) recently issued an announcement , the company will designate a wholly-owned subsidiary to subscribe for no more than 180 million yuan as one of the limited partners to participate in the investment in Changsha Anzhong Venture Capital Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership) (referred to as the "Feeder Fund"), thereby indirectly investing in Changsha Jiayu consumer funds. Changsha Jiayu Consumer Fund (including feeder funds) has a total target size of RMB 1 billion (the first phase of fundraising is RMB 652 million) and will mainly invest in large consumer industries, including domestic consumption and cross-border consumption.

The managers of Changsha Jiayu Consumer Fund and Feeder Fund are both served by Suzhou Weilixin. The legal representative of Suzhou Weili is Wei Zhe, a private equity fund manager under Jiayu Capital, with a management scale of 5 billion-100 It manages 7 RMB funds worth RMB 100 million, mainly investing in new consumption, cross-border e-commerce and new generation information technology.

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Investment community fundraising monthly report | 19 deals: S Fund is lining up to raise funds

Investment community news on April 17, a well-known venture capital firm in Silicon Valley Andreessen Horowitz (a16z) announced that it has successfully raised $7.2 billion in new funding, which is a sizable sum for any company, especially after a difficult period in the startup world. Particularly significant and important.

Ben Horowitz, founder of Andreessen Horowitz, said on the same day that the financing was an "important industry milestone" and that the final total financing was about 4% higher than the company's earlier financing target.

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Hot spots in large companies

Meituan KeeTa has become Hong Kong’s largest food delivery platform

According to the latest data released by market research organization Measurable AI, based on the number of orders in March 2024, Meituan’s Hong Kong business KeeTa’s unit market share has reached 44%, becoming the largest food delivery platform in Hong Kong. (36 Krypton)

Zhu Xiaotong may soon return to Tesla China

According to blogger @fathuShawn, Tesla’s senior vice president of automotive business Zhu Xiaotong will soon return to Tesla China and resume his role as vice president of China. Position. Sun Shaojun, the head of Chefans, forwarded the news to confirm. (Zhongguancun Online)

BYD: The launch of electric motorcycles and electric bicycles are both rumors

Li Yunfei, general manager of the Brand and Public Relations Department of BYD Group, issued a statement saying that recently, a series of spliced ​​and synthesized videos and graphics have been leaked online. , spreading "BYD will launch electric motorcycles", "BYD's first motorcycle unveiled", "BYD produces electric bicycles" and other related information. Many netizens and friends came to inquire. I would like to reply here: all the above are untrue. . (36 Krypton)

618 pre-sale, gone

“I heard that Taobao and have no pre-sales for 618 this year!” When a colleague told Xiao Chen the news, she just said “oh” . For her, who was "born to buy holy bodies online", she suffered losses in pre-sales, which made her choose to turn a blind eye to them early on.

“I bought a massager last year. The pre-sale price was 200 yuan cheaper than the regular price. I placed the order on impulse, but found out that it would take 60 days to receive the goods. I couldn’t cancel the order because It's a 'deposit'," Xiao Chen told Jingzhe Research Institute. "There are also cases where the goods are not exactly what they are supposed to be. For example, the regular packaging is a box of 12 boxes of milk, but the goods received are 10 boxes because they have been unpacked and cannot be returned. , I can only blame myself for not seeing it clearly when placing the order.”

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Is Apple mobile phone losing its high-end appeal in China?

Beijing time on May 4, the US "Wall Street Journal" published an article on Friday saying that even after a rare discount promotion, Apple's iPhone sales in China still declined. This suggests that some Chinese consumers no longer view Apple's flagship products as state-of-the-art technology.

An obvious example is that the iPhone does not have built-in artificial intelligence (AI) functionality, which has appeared on mobile phones of Chinese competitors such as Huawei.

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Ning Wang is still Ning Wang

At the Beijing International Auto Show not long ago, Zhou Hongyi shuttled between major booths and sold his Maybach in exchange for new energy vehicles. "Big Issue" has brought domestic automobiles to a higher level.

An interesting episode is that in addition to visiting the bosses of various car companies, there was an entrepreneur at the conference whom he called the "real boss", that is Ningde, which provides power for domestic new energy vehicles. Times Chairman Zeng Yuqun.

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Financing events

Wayve, a British self-driving technology startup, received US$1.05 billion in Series C financing, with SoftBank Group leading the investment

Wayve, a British self-driving technology startup, May 6, local time Announced the receipt of US$1.05 billion in Series C financing, led by SoftBank Group, with participation from new investor NVIDIA and existing investor Microsoft. The investment will support Wayve’s full development and launch of its first embedded artificial intelligence product for production vehicles. (Interface)

Aerospace Yuxing completed nearly 500 million yuan in Series B and Series C financing

Recently, Aerospace Yuxing completed nearly 500 million yuan in Series B and Series C financing. Among them, the B round of financing was led by Chongqing Digital Investment, and the C round of financing was led by Zhongshan Venture Capital and China Merchants Fund of Funds under Zhongshan Investment Holdings, followed by leading funds such as CICC Capital and Zero2IPO Capital, Yuanhang Capital, Cointreau Old shareholders such as Capital and Houji Capital continue to increase their investment. The funds will be mainly used for the research and development of key technologies for spacecraft in-orbit management, the research and development of key equipment for aerospace ground systems, the research and development of key equipment for satellite communications, and the continued construction of global aerospace ground infrastructure.

Zhongteng Microgrid completed nearly 100 million yuan in Series B financing, focusing on the new energy microgrid industry

Zhongteng Microgrid (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. recently announced the completion of nearly 100 million yuan in Series B financing, led by Tongchuang Weiye It jointly led the investment with listed company Gracelida (688330).

The funds will be used to improve the company's business development and technical team expansion, product iteration and upgrades and other core competitiveness improvements.

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Zonghui Xinguang completed the first round of C4 financing of hundreds of millions of yuan, led by CDB Manufacturing Transformation and Upgrading Fund

Investment Community According to news on May 6, recently, laser chip company Changzhou Zonghui Xinguang Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Zonghui Xinguang") completed the first round of C4 financing of hundreds of millions of yuan. This round of transformation from CDB Manufacturing Upgrade Fund led the investment, followed by Lianfeng Fengye, Suzhou Yongxin, and Hainan Xinhe. This financing will accelerate Zonghuixinguang’s product technology research and development and optical communication production line layout. It is reported that the second round of Zonghuixinguang C4 has been launched simultaneously.

The application scenarios of VCSEL laser chips have rapidly expanded with the development of 3D sensing, autonomous driving, artificial intelligence and other fields, and the market demand for high-end VCSEL laser chips with high performance, high reliability, and high speed has increased dramatically. As a leading company in the industry, Zonghui Xinguang has a complete product line and has layout in consumer electronics, automotive electronics, optical communications, radio frequency epitaxy and other directions. With its excellent technical strength and product advantages, it continues to provide domestic and foreign customers with High-quality VCSEL laser chips and modules, epitaxial products and technical solutions.

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Migration Technology has received tens of millions of yuan in Series B financing, focusing on 3D vision robotic arm guidance

According to news from the investment community on May 6, Migration Technology has recently completed Tens of millions of yuan in Series B financing, led by Star Fund. Migration Technology stated that this round of financing will be mainly used to deepen the global market sales system of 3D vision products and increaseStrengthen underlying technology research and development and 3D vision product standardization, and work with integrator partners to achieve a win-win situation in the 3D vision ecosystem.

Founded in 2017, Migration Technology is an industry-leading supplier of 3D industrial cameras and 3D vision systems, and has completed hundreds of millions of yuan in financing. Based on years of technology accumulation in the direction of 3D camera hardware, algorithms and software, Migration Technology has created a stable, easy-to-use, high-return AI+3D vision system that can be used in loading and unloading, depalletizing, positioning and assembly and other scenarios, providing global Industrial manufacturing and warehousing logistics automation technology empowerment.

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