china clothing online, is hanfu for male or female, hanfu layers female

china clothing online, is hanfu for male or female, hanfu layers female Recently, a video of Dong Mingzhu, chairman of Gree Electric Appliances, wearing Hanfu and visiting the ancient city of Luoyi at night went viral on the Internet. Netizens found that this makeup look is very different from Dong Mingzhu's previous image. The light blue long coat skirt and gentle loose hair style make people look elegant and gentle. In recent years, Hanfu and new Chinese-style outfits have continued to break out of the circle, Chinese aesthetics have returned to life, and the clothing system of the Hanfu market has gradually improved. So, how is the development of Hanfu-related enterprises in my country? QiChacha data shows that there are 6,610 Hanfu-related companies in my country. Its registration volume has shown an overall growth trend in the past ten years. Last year, the Chinese aesthetics sparked a surge of popularity at home and abroad, and the number of Hanfu-related company registrations soared 350% to 2,691. The popularity of Hanfu this year remains high. So far, 1,215 stores have been registered in 2024, including 1,143 registered in the first four months, a year-on-year increase of 72.92%. From a regional perspective, only Shaanxi Province has more than 1,000 stores, leading other provinces with 1,682, ranking first in the country. Shandong and Henan currently have 700 and 537 companies respectively, ranking among the top three in the country. After that, it was Zhejiang, Guangdong and other places. 1. The number of Hanfu-related company registrations surged by 350% last year

QiChacha data shows that there are 6,610 Hanfu-related companies in my country. Its registration volume has shown an overall growth trend in the past ten years. Last year, the Chinese aesthetics sparked a wave of popularity at home and abroad, and the number of Hanfu-related company registrations soared 350% to 2,691. 2. In the first four months of this year, the number of registrations of Hanfu-related companies increased by 72.92% year-on-year

china clothing online, is hanfu for male or female, hanfu layers female - Image 2

Qichacha data shows that the popularity of Hanfu this year remains high. As of now, 202A total of 1,215 companies have been registered in the past four years, including 1,143 companies registered in the first four months, a year-on-year increase of 72.92%.

3. From a regional perspective: Shaanxi has the most

Data from Qichacha shows that from a regional perspective, only Shaanxi Province has more than 1,000 stores, leading other provinces with 1,682, ranking first in the country. Shandong and Henan currently have 700 and 537 companies respectively, ranking among the top three in the country. After that, it was Zhejiang, Guangdong and other places. 4. From a city perspective: Xi’an has the most

china clothing online, is hanfu for male or female, hanfu layers female - Image 4 Data from Qichacha shows that from a city perspective, Xi'an has 1,547 existing ones, ranking first in the country and far ahead. Heze and Luoyang currently have 464 and 200 stores respectively, ranking among the top three in the country. After that, it was Jiaxing, Wuhan and other places.