old traditional chinese clothing, hanfu zhou dynasty, is hanfu chinese or japanese

old traditional chinese clothing, hanfu zhou dynasty, is hanfu chinese or japanese

CCTV News from Beijing on May 17 (Reporter Song Xue) “Understanding a city starts from the museum.” May 18 is the annual International Museum Day. In recent years, museums have served as places to inherit and display culture. Important places have attracted more and more tourists, and the "cultural museum craze" continues to heat up.

According to data from the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, during the 2024 May Day holiday, more than 50 million visitors to more than 6,000 museums across the country, 4.04 million visitors to 55 national archaeological sites parks, and many cultural and museum institutions The number of visitors received reached a record high for the same period in previous years.

Nowadays, young tourists and families with children have become the main consumer force in the cultural tourism boom. Tuniu's latest booking data so far shows that among users who have booked cultural and tourism-related products this year, users aged 45 and under accounted for 86% of trips, of which 15% were aged 0-18; 14% were aged 19-25 %; those aged 26-35 accounted for 34%; those aged 36-45 accounted for 23%.

From the ever-selling Forbidden City calendar to the cultural and creative ice cream launched by major museums; from the Henan Museum’s “Archaeological Blind Box” that has become popular in the past two years to the Gansu Provincial Museum’s “Horse Stepping on a Flying Swallow” doll, The craze for cultural creation in museums continues. Wearing traditional clothes to visit museums and take beautiful photos has become a new trend. The person in charge of related products of Tuniu Travel Network said: "Young tourists and families can feel the charm of traditional culture and experience it by experiencing Hanfu culture, visiting museums, checking in 'Internet celebrity' cultural relics, collecting cultural and creative products, and traveling online to museums. The fun brought by cultural and cultural tourism. The new trend of Hanfu culture and the innovation of cultural and creative products have also brought new consumption hot spots and growth points to cultural and cultural tourism. ”

old traditional chinese clothing, hanfu zhou dynasty, is hanfu chinese or japanese - Image 1

China Grand Canal Museum (Source: CFP)

Not long ago, in the "Announcement on the Evaluation Results of the Fifth Batch of National Museum Grading Assessment First-Class Museums" issued by the China Museum Association, the Overseas Chinese Museum of China 123 museums, including the Chinese Women and Children's Museum, the Evidence Exhibition Hall of the Japanese Invading Unit 731 in Harbin, and the China Grand Canal Museum in Yangzhou, plan to be classified as first-class museums. At present, the total number of national first-, second- and third-level museums has reached 1,209 (including 204 national first-level museums and 444 national second-level museums)., 561 national third-level museums).

In terms of cultural tourism consumption, these "vanguards" in museums serve as important cultural tourism resources, attracting a large number of tourists to visit and experience. Tuniu’s latest booking data so far shows that among the popular venues for domestic cultural and museum tours this year, the Palace Museum, National Museum of China, Nanjing Museum, Shaanxi History Museum, Hunan Museum, Emperor Qin Shi Huang’s Mausoleum Museum, Sanxingdui Museum in Guanghan, Sichuan, and China Grand Canal Museum in Yangzhou , Suzhou Museum, Shanghai Museum and other national first-level museums are particularly popular for booking, and it is basically "hard to get a ticket" on holidays and weekends.

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Nanjing City Wall Museum (Source: CFP)

It is worth noting that in addition to the large museums that are familiar to tourists, the popularity of some special and niche museums is also rising, becoming new hot spots in cultural tourism, such as Zigong Dinosaur Museum, Nanjing City Wall Museum, Xi'an Forest of Steles Museum, Tsingtao Beer Museum, China Imperial Examination Museum, etc. These museums meet tourists' needs for in-depth exploration of a certain field through exhibition content in specific fields or themes, unique cultural charm, or regional characteristics.

The reporter learned from the State Administration of Cultural Heritage that the main venue of the 2024 International Museum Day China will be held at the Qin and Han Hall of the Shaanxi History Museum from May 17 to 19. On May 18, the main venue will be the Qin and Han Hall of the Shaanxi History Museum. The museum will be officially opened, and the "Qin and Han Civilization" series of blockbuster exhibitions will also be unveiled at the same time. Various museums and memorial halls in Shaanxi Province will hold a series of distinctive and exciting exhibitions.

In addition, distinctive and diverse activities will be carried out across the country. For example, Beijing will combine the theme of Museum Day with the construction of a museum city to hold "Beijing Museum Month" and launch four themed activity weeks of exhibitions, cultural creation, movie viewing, and reading, as well as various promotion activities. Sichuan Province and Chongqing Municipality will jointly host the Sichuan-Chongqing main venue event in Guang'an City to further strengthen exchanges and collaboration. Most provinces will also hold main venue activities in the region, and organize museums to carry out various offline activities such as special exhibitions, mobile museums, cultural lectures, public welfare appraisals, and cultural and creative releases, as well as digital exhibitions, online live broadcasts, and cultural knowledge online quizzes. Online special activities set off celebrations of International Museum Dayupsurge.

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