chinese clothing tunics, hanfu pattern, hanfu time period

chinese clothing tunics, hanfu pattern, hanfu time period

Wearing a Hanfu and a hairpin, he seemed to be the person in the painting. In recent years, the “Hanfu craze” has swept across China’s young population. In Putuo Chuangxiang Tower Park, there is actually a high-quality Hanfu offline physical store, which conveys Hanfu culture and provides consumers with diverse experiences.

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Mingxi Traditional Hanfu Dress Shop

Mingxi Traditional Hanfu Dress Shop (Shop 107, No. 1, Chuangxiang Tower, 100 Yejiazhai Road) is an agency selling original Hanfu and accessories brands, Hanfu wedding clothes A Hanfu experience center that integrates rental, photo photography, cultural promotion and other functions. Store manager Cao Yirong graduated from the Department of History and has a deep interest in traditional Chinese culture. She has been promoting Hanfu for eighteen years. “The original intention of opening this store is to let as many people as possible learn about Hanfu and discover the cultural genes of everyone.” confidence." Cao Yirong said.

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Cao Yirong

According to Cao Yirong, Mingxi Traditional Hanfu Dress Shop also purchased a property in a commercial and residential residence in Putuo District earlier. Later, the store was moved to the Chuangxiang Tower Park. The open walk-in space in the park also brought a lot of customer flow to the store.

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The store is full of details

Although the store is not big, it is full of details. The exquisite Han costume jewelry and Han elements that can be seen everywhere bring an immersive experience to customers. Hanfu shop, makeup studio, photo studio, opera gathering...the store also carries multiple functions such as sales, photography and cultural dissemination. This business model also brings more possibilities and opportunities to the store.

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Portrait works of Ming Xi

The beauty of Hanfu is not only a visual impression, but also the changes of dynasties over the past five thousand years and the changes of the times reflected in the clothing. Nowadays, with the revival of traditional culture, Hanfu is appearing in the public eye in various new ways. Although the demand is rising, in Cao Yirong’s view, Hanfu in the traditional sense is still a niche hobby. Most consumers pursue the good-looking Hanfu and restore it. The products of many Hanfu manufacturers who have followed the trend even have uneven quality and are “plagiarized”. Continuously. "This is actually divorced from the traditional culture itself." Cao Yirong further gave an example, "Whether it is clothing or makeup, they are all contrary to history.Scenery and aesthetic consciousness are closely connected. It is not appropriate to wear more clothes than others. We always insist on giving professional and pertinent suggestions to customers during the service process, and convey the overall charm and aesthetics of Hanfu. ”

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Carry out Kunqu Opera Salon

In addition, Cao Yirong is also continuing to participate in various Han culture promotion activities, and plans to carry out Hanfu exhibitions, intangible cultural heritage promotion and other related activities to further extend the functions of the store and make Hanfu culture more popular. Get closer to more people. The store also hopes to further cooperate with the Chuangxiang Tower Park and relevant district-level departments to receive more support and help and make steady and long-term progress on the road of Hanfu promotion and cultural promotion. "To pass on the truly traditional things and traditional beauty to everyone, this is the direction that Mingxi Hanfu Dress Shop has been working towards." Cao Yirong said.

Qian Jiaying