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Source: Times Mammoth Studio

Original title: Embroidered hemp leaves on children's clothing? La Chapelle overturned again. The former "No. 1 Hanfu stock" went bankrupt, delisted and became a monster

Zhou Jiabao

 2022-05-06 18:31:31

Source: Times Finance

Some consumers bluntly said: "Is La Chapelle going to be completely 'ruined'?"

La Chapelle, a Hanfu brand that is about to bid farewell to the A-share market (603157.SH), once again fell into the controversy of children’s clothing design.

Recently, a consumer posted on a social platform that the teacher pointed out that the embroidery on the white clothes his daughter was wearing looked like "marijuana leaves" during online classes, and the teacher asked the child to change clothes immediately.

According to the screenshots posted by the above-mentioned consumers, someone who claimed to be a staff member of La Chapelle contacted through the platform, saying that the original intention of the company’s product planning and design was to promote the concept of green and refreshing, and there was no use of cannabis as a design Subjective considerations of elements. LaChapelle is combing through all products on sale to ensure there are no sensitive elements. Currently, this product has been removed from the shelves.

This is another children’s clothing design “overturn” incident after Jiangnan Buyi. In September last year, "jnby by JNBY" children's clothing shirts were printed with "Welcome to hell" (Welcome to hell), "Let me touch you" (Let me touch you) and other uncomfortable words, as well as involving abuse. Dark images such as , killing and racial discrimination aroused strong public doubts. Later, the official Weibo of "jnby by JNBY" issued an apology statement.

A brand of Hanfu designer once revealed to Times Finance that a clothing product needs to be reviewed by the company’s design department. It can only be put on the market after the internal review meeting, evaluation, and order placement by the merchandise department. In this process, if the review process is not rigorous and the thinking is market-oriented, that is, the design ideas of the clothing itself are ignored, and more consideration is given to whether the product is good or not, this will lead to such a "rollover".

This once prosperous Hanfu brand, with nearly 10,000 stores and known as the "Chinese version of ZARA", has revenue of less than 500 million yuan in 2021, and total assets of only 2.4 billion yuan. Despite the situation, the debt is as high as 4 billion yuan, and it is facing insolvency. Regarding this design controversy, some consumers said bluntly: "Is La Chapelle going to be completely 'ruined'?"

In fact, Times Finance learned that La Chapelle, who has been in debt crisis for many years, wanted to "Self-help" announced in September 2020 that the company will transform from the traditional "planning and design-independent procurement-platform operation-online sales" model to a new model of "brand authorization + operation services", which is commonly known as " Selling trademarks".

This also means that La Chapelle will license its La Chapelle, Puella, Candies and other brand trademarks to suppliersAs dealers, dealers and agent operators, La Chapelle is no longer responsible for the design of these sales products.

At present, it is not possible to trace whether the actual supplier of the above-mentioned children's clothing products is La Chapelle or other authorized dealers. It is still doubtful whether the design of this product is from La Chapelle's designer. In response to the above issues, Times Finance called LaChapelle, but had not received a response as of press time.

What deserves more attention is that La Chapelle’s performance in the new quarter is still dismal. According to La Chapelle's first quarter financial report for 2022, as of March 31, La Chapelle's operating income decreased by 54.42% year-on-year to 71.917 million yuan, with a net loss as high as 87.947 million yuan. At the end of the reporting period, the amount involved in La Chapelle's settled litigation cases but not fully executed was approximately RMB 1.975 billion, and the amount involved in pending litigation cases was approximately RMB 466 million. In November last year, a number of creditors applied to the Xinshi District People's Court of Urumqi for bankruptcy liquidation of La Chapelle. At that time, 40,000 people flocked to the live broadcast of La Chapelle's Taobao flagship store, watching the live broadcast room and wanting to "pick up the goods." Discounted goods".

In April this year, La Chapelle announced that it had received the Shanghai Stock Exchange's "Decision on the Termination of the Listing of Xinjiang La Chapelle Clothing Co., Ltd.'s Stocks." The announcement shows that La Chapelle's A-shares officially entered the delisting consolidation period for trading on April 22. The delisting consolidation period is 15 trading days, and the last trading day is expected to be May 17, 2022.

Times Finance found that as the first domestic Hanfu brand listed on "A+H" shares, La Chapelle is not having a good time in the Hong Kong stock market. As of the close of trading on May 6, the share price of La Chapelle (6116.HK) closed at HK$0.241 per share, with a total market value of only HK$282 million.

Facing multiple difficulties such as bankruptcy liquidation and delisting, this Chinese clothing brand that was once deeply loved by young women may find it difficult to restore its former glory.