3 chinese, how to put on a hanfu, hanfu jepang

3 chinese, how to put on a hanfu, hanfu jepang 01:03

Cover News Reporter Qin Yilei Far East Chai Fengju

The fairy mantle is fluttering, and the snow is dancing in the returning wind; the lotus clothes are about to move, and the ring is clanging... With the return of Hanfu, this Traditional culture is getting closer and closer to young people, reviving it in a fashionable and youthful way.

Hou Yushan wears a hairpin, a crimson stand-up collared double-breasted gown and a pink gold-woven pleated skirt, looking like a woman who has traveled from ancient times to modern times. The first time she wore Hanfu in college, she was attracted by the gorgeous traditional costumes in front of her, and then quit her job to work in a Hanfu makeup studio.

At first, Hou Yushan always encountered some strange looks when traveling in Hanfu. "Some people would come over and ask me if I was filming." Nowadays, she rarely encounters such strange looks anymore. "Everyone's acceptance of Hanfu is already very high."

In the process of spreading Hanfu culture, Houyushan has increasingly discovered the beauty of Chengdu. This developed and inclusive city provides opportunities for the development of Hanfu culture. A vast stage and space. She said that she will also take root here in the future, continue to focus on the communication of Hanfu and build her own brand.

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Quited my job at school

Started a business making Hanfu makeup

I met Hou Yushan at noon. I had just returned from After returning from a business trip to Japan, she was preparing to shoot a group of Hanfu costumes. While putting on makeup, she chatted with reporters.

Opening the memo, Hou Yushan made some calculations and found that there were only about 3 days of rest time in December, "and they will be used to write plans." But she enjoyed such busyness, "It's me Live life, not live me." She wrote this in a memo after reviewing her various experiences since quitting her job to work in a Hanfu makeup studio.

The first time Hou Yushan wore Hanfu was in college. Seeing that the clothes looked good, she also bought one. At that time, she was also a "newbie" and didn't even know the correct way to wear Hanfu. Her classmates joked with her: "Why is your T-shirt so big?" She only found it interesting, "Who doesn't have a fairy? It’s a dream.”

Because of Han.After working, Hou Yushan also devoted a lot of energy to Hanfu. Because of her interest in Hanfu, she also began to study the accessories and makeup of Hanfu; on weekends and holidays, she often wore Hanfu in various parks.

As if a ray of light poured into her nine-to-five life, Hou Yushan began to find that Hanfu, which was originally a hobby, took up a lot of energy in her life. With a little unwillingness to live an ordinary life, she I resigned and started to prepare a studio.

My parents didn’t know about my resignation and starting a business. Before resigning, Hou Yushan was an academic teacher in a school. In the eyes of her parents, this was a stable job suitable for girls. "My mother thought I was crazy." But fortunately, her father firmly supported her, "My father Tell me, when you are young, if you want to work hard for something, just do it." Her father's words were like a light that illuminated her path forward. In her subsequent entrepreneurial journey, it was hard and busy. Well, Hou Yushan will always think of his father’s encouragement and why he set out.

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Combine your own characteristics

Create a makeup look that combines retro and modern styles

Forty thousand yuan saved from work , Houyushan opened the "Danggui Pavilion" Hanfu makeup studio.

The reason why she focused her business on makeup is because Hou Yushan discovered that “more and more people are paying attention to Hanfu, but not everyone pays attention to makeup and styling.” In her opinion, A perfect Hanfu style, in addition to exquisite clothing, also requires appropriate makeup and accessories. "Just like wearing a dress, your hair can't be messy."

How to express your thoughts Integrating into the makeup and styling of Hanfu is something Hou Yushan and his team have been thinking about. “You cannot copy retro styles.” In her opinion, a proper makeup style can make more young people like Hanfu. For this reason She will create some innovative looks. For example, when taking a photo of a rabbit group wearing Hanfu, she will innovatively put some small sequins on the makeup to increase the girlish look. This method can not only convey the elegance of Hanfu, but also fit the current aesthetics.

Led by Hou Yushan, many Hanfu enthusiasts began to pay more attention to makeup. She also holds public welfare lectures every year to provide free help to new Hanfu enthusiasts.

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Traveling south and north to spread Hanfu culture

During the days when he came into contact with Hanfu, Hou Yushan gradually discovered that Hanfu was loved by more and more people. Even when she was walking on the streets of Japan wearing Hanfu, Japanese people would come over and ask her, "Is this Hanfu?" Such cultural exchanges gave her more motivation to spread Hanfu culture, "When others come over and ask us, is this Hanfu?" When it comes to clothes, she only needs to spend a minute to tell him that they are Hanfu.”

While traveling around to take pictures of Hanfu, she also discovered more and more the beauty of Chengdu, including the Wuhou Temple. , Jinli, Du Fu Thatched Cottage, Huanhua Creek... The historical heritage of Chengdu also inspired Hou Yushan to create Hanfu photography. "In Jinli and Wuhou Temple, the antique buildings and Hanfu complement each other."

In Hou Yushan's view, Chengdu has unique advantages in developing Hanfu culture. It has a broad mass base and historical heritage. "Chengdu people are very tolerant of all this, and they can accept it as long as it is beautiful."