china queen clothes, hanfu blouse, tang dynasty hanfu

china queen clothes, hanfu blouse, tang dynasty hanfu

Beijing Xinhua Bookstore will launch a series of cultural reading activities with the theme of "Bookish Childhood Building Dreams on Children's Day" from May 31 to June 2, 2024, bringing together children's theme book areas, bookish children's gifts, Hanfu experience, book sharing, A variety of activities such as Chinese traditional Chinese reading, stamp collection, and cultural fairs provide children with a feast of holiday reading culture.

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In order to allow young readers to buy more favorite book gifts and get different holiday surprises during the holidays, Beijing Xinhua Bookstore organizes 13 Xinhua Bookstores including Yongan Road Store, Xisi Store, Guanzhuang Store, and Kexing Road Store The key event stores will simultaneously set up a book exhibition with the theme of "Bookish Childhood Building Dreams on Children's Day", and select children's literature, popular science, children's and other high-quality books and cultural and creative products to build the best purchasing platform for children. At the same time, we have also launched a series of promotional activities with the theme of "Books Accompanied by Gifts for Children". During the event, if you spend more than 99 yuan in the store, you will receive small cultural and creative gifts selected by the bookstore, so that innocent children can have fun with you in the bookstore.

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On this special day for children, Beijing Xinhua Bookstore also prepared a series of cultural reading activities. On June 1st, we joined hands with Hebei Children's Publishing House and other units to launch Chinese traditional culture reading promotion meetings - Chinese classical beauty "Mulan Poetry" at Xinhua Bookstore's Di'an Store, Weibao Bookstore, Yong'an Road Store, and Xiangshan Cultural Space. "Picture Book Sharing Session, "Unusual Summer" New Book Sharing Session, "Making Children Happy" Book Sharing SessionThere are many cultural themed activities such as the cultural theme lecture of the ancient bridge that reproduces the national treasure "Along the River During the Qingming Festival", the theme reading of "Little Horse Crossing the River", the theme lecture of "Chinese Classics and Wisdom Life". Experts, scholars, and senior editors in the cultural field are invited to share the wonderful stories in the book, read classics and beautiful articles together, and experience the essence of traditional Chinese culture.

In addition, on Sunday, June 2, a "Tea and Utensils" themed sharing session and a "Stars·Spring Water" book sharing session will be held respectively at the Di'an Store and Guanzhuang Store of Xinhua Bookstore. Senior teachers at the event led readers to understand tea culture knowledge and read literary classics.

It is worth mentioning that in order to allow young readers to enjoy an immersive experience during the Children’s Day Festival, Beijing Xinhua Bookstore has carefully planned interactive experiences such as special stamp check-in, Children’s Children’s Hanfu Show, and Beijing Shadow Puppet Art Repertoire. Activity. From May 31st to June 2nd, five of its Xinhua Bookstore stores, including the Xisi Store and Dashilan Store, were organized to carry out the "Children's Fun Check-in and Stamp Hunting" themed stamp check-in activity, launching traditional festivals, Beijing landmark buildings, and Beijing's central axis There are more than 300 special seals such as , twenty-four solar terms, twelve zodiac animals, reading themes, pet themes, etc. The special seals contain rich cultural information and interesting knowledge, allowing children to learn and have fun.

At the same time, Xinhua Bookstore Xiangshan Cultural Space also launched the "June 1 Hanfu Parent-Child Show" cultural lectures and Hanfu experience. Experts on Hanfu culture are specially invited to give a special lecture on Hanfu culture to understand and feel the charm and cultural connotation of ancient Chinese costumes. Young readers on the scene will also have the opportunity to wear exquisite Hanfu and experience the wonderful journey of Hanfu.

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In addition, Di'anmen Weibao Bookstore also launched the Beijing Shadow Puppet Art-Repertoire Performance. During the event, the repertoire "Wu Song Fights the Tiger" and "Eight-Armed Nezha City" were performed for young readers. After the performance skills were demonstrated, the young readers You can also experience Beijing shadow puppetry immersively, and have professional teachers to guide you in shadow puppetry techniques, giving you a deeper understanding of the cultural heritage of Chinese shadow puppetry.

It is also understood that on June 2, Xinhua Bookstore Jinsong East Gate Store participated in the "Beautiful Jinsong Childlike Tesco" children's consumption season theme event in Jinsong Street, Chaoyang District, bringing high-quality books into the business district for readers. Read and shop. At the same time, from June 1st to 2nd, Xinhua Bookstore Di’anmen and Weibao Bookstore entered Beijing’s Bell and Drum Tower Square to launch the “Old Books, New Knowledge, Bell and Drum Books” cultural market, carefully selecting social sciences, literature, and children’s categories , popular science and other high-quality books and cultural and creative products. You can enjoy different discounts when purchasing books on site.

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Zhang Enjie

Editor/Qiao Ying