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chinese size 60, hanfu dress uk, hanfu tang


chinese size 60, hanfu dress uk, hanfu tang - Image 1

Yesterday, reporters learned from the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology that the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology announced a list of textile and clothing brand cultivation, among which Luoyang Hanfu was selected as a regional brand, and three companies in our city were selected as consumer brands.

There are more than 400 enterprises in the textile and garment industry in our city, mainly located in Luolong, Yichuan, Ruyang, Mengjin and other places. Last year, the total output value of the industry reached 1.182 billion yuan. The Luoyang Hanfu selected this time is an emerging brand that our city has focused on cultivating in recent years.

In recent years, with the popularity of Hanfu in Luoyang, it has become a trend to come to Luoyang to experience Hanfu and experience the ancient capital. In order to promote the economic development of Hanfu, under the guidance of the Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau, many enterprises above designated size in our city began to rely on professional clothing design teams, improve production systems and strong production capabilities, fully tap Hanfu cultural resources, and accelerate the localization of Hanfu R&D and production. . At present, there are five key enterprises in the city specializing in the research and development and production of Hanfu. Together with multiple studios, the city's overall annual production capacity is about 1.8 million sets.

Those included in the list of cultivating consumer brands this time are all key enterprises in the development of Hanfu economy in our city. Among them, Luoyang Haoyang Clothing Co., Ltd. focuses on the research and development of new Chinese-style clothing and is committed to creating and displaying mid-to-high-end series of Hanfu products with local characteristics of Luoyang; Luoyang Hanfu Zhiyuan Clothing Co., Ltd. launches original Hanfu, Tang suit and other categories, creating a thousand-year-old imperial capital. , Gongtingle and other original brands; Henan Haorui Clothing Co., Ltd. uses "National Trend Star" horse-faced skirts as its main product, and its sales are booming in the market. In the first quarter, it has produced more than 8,000 pieces.

Cultivation of textile and apparel brands is an important part of the "Three Products" special action in the consumer goods industry. Selected brands will receive key support in terms of policies, projects, funds, etc. In the future, our city will further establish a contact mechanism to track and understand brand development and create a good environment for brand development. At the same time, we will vigorously support the city's Hanfu enterprises in implementing digital transformation, guide enterprises to expand production scale, strengthen association construction, and accelerate the cultivation of Luoyang Hanfu into a relatively high-end brand. A regional advantage brand with strong market influence and competitiveness. (Luo Bao Media·Luoyang Net reporter Chen Xi, correspondent Zhang Kezhi)