What is the trend of Hanfu culture among young people?

What is the trend of Hanfu culture among young people?

China has great etiquette, so it is called Xia, and it has the beauty of uniforms, so it is called Hua. Hanfu is the most beautiful cultural heritage of our long-lasting Chinese civilization. From the Yellow Emperor to the mid-17th century AD, Hanfu has carried the fine traditions of China for five thousand years. Influenced by the charm of China, more and more people have joined Hanfu. The craze of revival chooses to pick up the elegance of these five thousand years.

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1. What is Hanfu?

The first thing you need to understand about Hanfu is that Hanfu is not the Han Dynasty costume, nor is it some weird, shiny studio outfit, but a unique costume of the Han nationality, which was ruled by the hanging clothes of the Yellow Emperor, Yao and Shun. From the end of the Ming Dynasty to the end of the Ming Dynasty, the civilization of each dynasty was transformed, and each dynasty transformed Hanfu to incorporate the flavor and wisdom of the times.

The main types of Hanfu include curved skirts, straight skirts, high-waisted skirts, skirts, round-neck robes, jackets, Zhuzi deep clothes, Xuanduan, etc. In the pre-Qin Dynasty, heroes competed with each other and hundreds of schools of thought contended. It was not until 221 BC that Qin Yingzheng unified the world and the world began to feel a little stable. The system of six crowns was abolished, and Xuan robes were often worn. Hundreds of officials wore high mountain crowns, military crowns, and robes and ribbons. However, law, Taoism, Confucianism, and metaphysics penetrated all levels, so Qin was a conservative and open country that contradicted each other. The era of harmony. The clothes are correspondingly monotonous. The robe is the typical style, with curved and straight trains. In daily life, most of them have large lapels and narrow sleeves.

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Men wear belt hooks around their waists, and women wear ribbons around their waists. Most of them have cross-collar collars and right lapels. It has both the domineering power of a crowd of heroes in the early stage and the unique neatness of the later stage. And to the Han Dynasty, Hanfu mainly inherits the Qin system. In the second year of Yongping, Emperor Ming of the Eastern Han Dynasty, there were formal and complete regulations, including robes, underskirts, etc. However, the robes and straight trains were more widely spread.

In the heyday of the Tang Dynasty, politics was stable, the economy was developed, production and textile technology continued to advance, and exchanges with overseas countries continued to increase. Empress Wu Zetian of the Tang Dynasty appeared, as well as a large number of female poets in the Tang Dynasty such as Li Zhi, Yu Xuanji, Xue Tao, and Yang Guifei. The folk customs of the Tang Dynasty were once open, and the status of women also improved, so the clothing gradually changed from the previous coarse cloth to Sichuan brocade and silk, and round-neck robes and hats appeared.

During this period, the bolder and more gorgeous chest-length underskirts were also sought after by women, adding an ethereal air to them and setting off the gorgeous and wealthy atmosphere of the Tang Dynasty. By the Song Dynasty, Tang-made shirts, undershirts, coats, Mat, robe, coat.

However, Zhu Xi and a large group of people advocated Neo-Confucianism, which brought the status of women to a low point, and also sourly imprisoned people's thoughts. The social atmosphere once again returned to formality, and clothing gradually became more compact and exquisite, with double-breasted skirts and Song trousers becoming popular , exquisite and elegant. In the Ming Dynasty, horse-faced jackets with stand-up collars became particularly popular, and now the stand-up collars made in Ming Dynasty mainly include shirts with stand-up collars and diagonal lapels, jackets with double lapels, and boudoir drapes, which show the grandeur and majesty of the Ming Dynasty.

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2. Which is more important, the authenticity or the revival of Hanfu?

So far, many people are fascinated by Hanfu and want to use Hanfu as regular clothes, but they dare not and are timid. A large part of the reason is some self-righteous Hanfu bosses. I thought I had worn Hanfu for a few more years than others, so I pointed at other people's Hanfu, saying that the Hanfu was made wrong and that it was a copycat. I had to force others to admit that it was a copycat. If I was wrong, I would buy the correct one next time. Then the big guys raised their heads and strode away like victorious roosters, showing no trace of the kindness and empathy in my Chinese etiquette.

We should also understand that a large number of elements in Hanfu are a fusion of Confucian modesty and Taoist moderation. If a piece of clothing puts others in an embarrassing situation, does it go against the Chinese civilization carried by that piece of clothing? Many people may just love that piece of clothing. Not everyone must wear a piece of clothing under the banner of reviving Hanfu and looking for Chinese civilization. That is too heavy and too false.

Besides, reviving Hanfu is better than ridiculing it.It is more meaningful to tattoo a person who is wearing fake clothes. Even if he is wearing fake clothes, it is still Hanfu. He is also working hard on the road to revitalizing Hanfu. He also sees the beauty of China. This is not to argue against copycat Hanfu, but to a large extent we should think deeply about why there are so many copycat Hanfu shops? One reason is that genuine Hanfu is too expensive and there is too much demand.

To be honest, copycat stores like this go against my Chinese tradition, but if the materials and workmanship of Shanzheng's and Zheng's models are exactly the same, then should we think about whether the difference in copyright fees of 100 or even 200 or 300 is really worth it? Such a store Is it a deliberate attempt to make money for people's vanity, or is it to truly promote Hanfu?

Of course, copycat Hanfu and plagiarizing other people’s copyrights ignore our traditional virtues of integrity, which is even more inappropriate. Wear a suit with your physique and wear Hanfu with your personality. What kind of soul should support this suit? Is it more important to revive Hanfu or to criticize people who wear copycat clothes? This is a question that all of us should think about. Don’t let this happen. Clothes with historical charm become a burden.

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3. How to wear Hanfu?

There are indeed many posts about Hanfu, but there are always one or two people commenting below that he wears his hair loose, which is not in compliance with the rules, that he is not wearing shoes, etc. I want to say that we are promoting Hanfu culture and reviving Hanfu, not retroing it. Times are progressing, we cannot regress instead.

Under the premise of economic, material, transportation and other development, our Hanfu must adapt to today's fast-paced life. Appropriate improvements are conducive to the promotion of Hanfu. Like Xu Jiao's Weaving Collection, what we have to do is to let more people know Hanfu, and even like Xu Jiao, promote Hanfu internationally.

It doesn’t mean that wearing Hanfu means you have to wear high-heeled shoes, or do a bun with hanging clouds, or draw eyebrows. If that’s the case, you have to go to and from work, go to and from school 24 hours a day, take care of this person’s morning. I'm so tired. When we wear Hanfu, we should see the cultural heritage exuded by Hanfu and enhance our personality, instead of getting entangled in the tedious matching that is not suitable for today's society.

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We should let Hanfu advance with the times, exert its charm, and let everyone who sees it know that it is Hanfu, not Hanbok and Korean clothing.

I only hope that everyone can fall in love with Hanfu and see the historical heritage contained in it. What we wear is a piece of clothing, but what we appreciate is the etiquette and culture hidden under the clothes.

China has been in China for thousands of years, and the clothes are full of affection. I hope everyone who wears Hanfu can be free from burdens. I hope this beautiful costume constructed from etiquette and culture can display its true value.