Chinese Hanfu | Which dynasty's Hanfu do you like the most?

Chinese Hanfu | Which dynasty's Hanfu do you like the most?

For many newbies, when they first enter the world of Hanfu, they are often confused by miscellaneous knowledge. Although not many styles of Hanfu have been discovered so far, each dynasty has different characteristics, and the shape of each piece of clothing has different wearing rules, which naturally makes it easy to be dazzled.

So today, Coco will help you sort out some of the most common dynasty Hanfu, so that you can understand the classic styles of each dynasty in just ten minutes. I wonder which period of Hanfu you will prefer after reading this. ? Let’s take a look!

01 Tang style - jacket/shirt and skirt

Chinese Hanfu | Which dynasty

The first thing I want to introduce to you is the Tang Dynasty blouse skirt. The blouse skirt is actually the name of a way of wearing a skirt. If the top is a single layer of clothing, it is called a shirt, and the bottom is a skirt, so it is called a shirt skirt.

Chinese Hanfu | Which dynasty

The shape of this Hanfu, which is full of Dunhuang style, comes from the early Tang Dynasty. It has a round-necked white blouse underneath and a goose-yellow jacket on the outside, which looks like a vest.

Chinese Hanfu | Which dynasty

Paired with a pleated skirt at the bottom, the color of this skirt is also made of retro red, with many beautiful Dunhuang-style patterns printed on it. The overall look is both exotic and classical, which is very beautiful.

Chinese Hanfu | Which dynasty

02 Tang Style-Round Neck Robe

So what did men in the Tang Dynasty generally wear?

You will know it when you see this round-neck robe. This round-neck robe should be relatively familiar to everyone. After all, we can see it when we look at some portraits of ancient people in the Tang Dynasty since childhood. In the portraits, both Emperor Taizong and Li Bai are wearing round-neck robes.

Chinese Hanfu | Which dynasty

Because in ancient times, the most common form of Hanfu worn by emperors and officials was the round-neck robe. The way to wear it is very wonderful. It can be worn as a round-neck style, or you can open the collar and wear it as a Hufu. Style to wear. The workmanship of the round-neck robe also incorporates the characteristics of various ethnic groups, giving it a full sense of classicism.

Chinese Hanfu | Which dynasty

After putting it on, a pair of trousers should be worn under the round-neck robe as an inner layer, and a leather belt should be added in the middle to tighten the body. The overall look is chic. And it is not only a shape that can be worn by men, but also often worn by women. Careful friends can also see that many murals have palace maids wearing round collar robes.

Chinese Hanfu | Which dynasty

03 Tang style-chest-length skirt

So when it comes to chest-length underskirts, everyone must be familiar with it, because now as long as you open Taobao, most of the Hanfu styles you see are chest-high underskirts.

Chinese Hanfu | Which dynasty

Not only because it is very simple to make, but also because its aesthetic is closer to the modern little girls’ imagination of the word fairy.

Chest-length skirts were popular during the Tang Dynasty. The top was a single-layer shirt, and the bottom was usually paired with pleated skirts, torn skirts, half-colored skirts, etc. No matter which one, it can be matched withProduce a different taste.

Chinese Hanfu | Which dynasty

04Song Style‍-Round Neck Robe

Chinese Hanfu | Which dynasty

Men in the Song Dynasty mostly wore round-neck robes, but at this time some friends want to ask: What is the difference between the round-neck robes in the Song Dynasty and those in the Tang Dynasty?

Chinese Hanfu | Which dynasty

The round collar of the Song Dynasty, also known as the plate-neck blouse, looks more scholarly. It not only has a collar button design, but also has a flatter collar and a larger neckline, which can reveal the clothes underneath. Compared with the closed cuffs of the Tang Dynasty, the cuffs of the Song Dynasty will become wider and more casual.

Chinese Hanfu | Which dynasty

05 Ming Style-Taoist Robe

Taoist robes in the Ming Dynasty were men's regular clothes, so they were very common among officials in the Ming Dynasty. It is made of a cross-collar style, the overall style is very loose, and the cuffs are relatively large, which is its most distinctive feature.

Chinese Hanfu | Which dynasty

The cuffs are wide and fat, and can be worn with or without a belt. I have to say that this outfit looks very comfortable. No wonder it became one of the common clothes for men in the Ming Dynasty.

Chinese Hanfu | Which dynasty

There are many styles of Hanfu that can be matched with Taoist robes. It can be matched with a cloak or a bijia. Many friends hear the word Taoist robe and think it is the clothes worn by Taoist priests. In fact, this is not the case. It is just a special title.

Chinese Hanfu | Which dynasty

06 Ming Style-Round Neck Large-breasted Robe/Horse Face Skirt

The combination of the round-necked robe and horse-faced skirt of the Ming Dynasty was most commonly worn by women. It not only showed the elegant side of women, but also looked very beautiful when paired together.

Chinese Hanfu | Which dynasty

There are long and short round-neck robes, and the most common one is the short one. This way of wearing is consistent with the coat and skirt. The upper coat is treated with pipa sleeves and the bottom is a horse-faced skirt. Generally, round neck styles have a circular embroidery pattern embroidered on the chest to complement it.

Chinese Hanfu | Which dynasty

The lower placket is also made particularly wide, giving it a more aristocratic look. therefore. This outfit can be regarded as the standard outfit for an aristocratic lady.

07 Ming Style-Round Neck Robe

Just now we have seen the round collar robes of the Tang Dynasty and Song Dynasty.So let’s take a look at what the Ming Dynasty round-neck robe looked like?

Chinese Hanfu | Which dynasty

In fact, you can tell at first glance that the round-neck robes of the Ming Dynasty have almost no similarities with those of the Tang Dynasty, except for the round collar. Not only are the cuffs made wider, but the overall style is also more elegant and unrestrained, usually with a palace ribbon tied around the waist. In order to distinguish it from the previous dynasties, it also has its own name, called Panlingpao.

Chinese Hanfu | Which dynasty

Okay, after looking at some of the most classic styles of Hanfu from these dynasties, wouldn’t it give you a deeper understanding of Hanfu? If you also have a favorite classic style, please feel free to discuss it with Coco in the comment area. In the next issue, we will continue to share with you other styles of Hanfu.