What role does the Hanfu Ruqun play in the inheritance of skirts

What role does the Hanfu Ruqun play in the inheritance of skirts

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The Sui and Tang Dynasties were one of the golden periods for the development of culture and art in Chinese history, and were also an important stage in the history of Chinese costume art.

As one of the main clothing items at that time, the underskirt represented the fashion and cultural atmosphere of the time. Analyze the artistic characteristics and origins of Ru skirts in the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

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●—≺ How did underskirts become popular ≻—●

During the Sui Dynasty, the skirt became popular and was regarded as daily clothing for women. Most of the underskirts in the Sui Dynasty had simple necklines and tightened waists to reveal women's slender waists. Ru skirts in the Sui Dynasty were often equipped with a placket, sleeves and hem. In terms of fabrics, Ru skirts in the Sui Dynasty mainly used silk, linen and other textures.

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During the Tang Dynasty, the styles of underskirts became more diversified and were closely related to the social atmosphere and culture at that time. The underskirts of the Tang Dynasty can be divided into two types: one is the traditional straight underskirt, and the other is the slit underskirt. The slit skirt was an emerging style during the Tang Dynasty. Due to its slit design, it was easier for women to move and sit. In addition, the Tang Dynasty Ru skirts were more exquisite in the design of the neckline and sleeves, adding many patterns and embroidery.

During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, most of the skirts were in bright colors, such as red, green, yellow, etc. These colors can highlight women’s gracefulness and youthful vitality, and are also in line with the culture’s pursuit of beauty at that time.

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Ru skirts during the Sui and Tang Dynasties were often embroidered with various patterns and patterns, such as peonies, lotus flowers, cloud patterns, phoenixes, etc. These patterns and patterns are presented through embroidery, which can enhance the artistic value and cultural connotation of the skirt. It also reflects people's pursuit of beauty and aesthetic standards at that time.

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The materials and styles of Ru skirts during the Sui and Tang Dynasties were very rich. In addition to traditional materials such as silk and linen, there are also underskirts made of lace, sequins and other materials. With the development of the times, the styles of underskirts have become more and more diverse, such as slit style, waist style, loose style, etc., so as to better meet the different needs and aesthetics of women.

During the Sui and Tang dynasties, accessories for skirts were very important. Women often wear various jewelry, jewelry, headwear, etc. to match their skirts to highlight their identity and status. These accessories can also increase the decorative and artistic value of the skirt.

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●—≺ The origin of the artistic characteristics of underskirt clothing in the Sui and Tang Dynasties≻—●

The Sui and Tang Dynasties were the cultural peak period in Chinese history. The social atmosphere and cultural atmosphere during this period also had an important impact on the artistic characteristics of the skirt's clothing. The society at that time had very high requirements for women's aesthetic standards and status. Therefore, the design and style of the underskirt also needed to meet these requirements to comply with the aesthetic standards of the time.

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The development of economy and technology during the Sui and Tang Dynasties also provided more resources and technical support for the production of Ru skirts. Textile technology during the Sui Dynasty was very developed and could produce high-quality silk, linen and other materials, which provided an important guarantee for the production of underskirts.

With the advancement of science and technology, embroidery technology, dyeing technology, etc. have also been improved, allowing the artistic and decorative features of underskirts to be better utilized.

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During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, a large number of exchanges and integrations took place between the northern and southern cultures of China and the cultures of the Han and ethnic minorities, which also provided an important impetus for the formation and development of the artistic characteristics of the skirt. The fusion of Southern Dynasty style and Northern Dynasty style during the Sui Dynasty made the styles of underskirts more diverse and rich.

The culture of the Central Plains has also undergone extensive exchanges and integration with the culture of the Western Regions, Central Asia, Turks and other ethnic cultures, making the styles and decorative styles of underskirts more diverse and unique.

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The Sui and Tang Dynasties were a relatively prosperous period in Chinese history in terms of politics, economy, culture, science and technology. In this context, the artistic characteristics of the skirt's clothing have also been better developed and displayed. With the establishment of the Tang Dynasty and the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty, the costumes of the royal family and nobles became more and more gorgeous, which also promoted the artistic development of Ru skirt.

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Ruqun is one of the most common clothing items worn by women during the Sui and Tang Dynasties. Its artistic features are reflected in many aspects such as style, pattern, weaving method, and material. Specifically, the following are the expressions of the artistic characteristics of Ru skirt clothing in the Sui and Tang Dynasties:

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Styles: There were many styles of underskirts during the Sui and Tang Dynasties. Common ones include sleeve underskirts, half-arm underskirts, pleated underskirts, corridor underskirts, double-breasted underskirts, etc. Sleeve underskirts and half-arm underskirts are more suitable for spring and autumn, while pleated underskirts and cloister underskirts are more suitable for winter. Common patterns on underskirts during the Sui and Tang Dynasties include cloud patterns, dragon patterns, phoenix patterns, flower patterns, etc. These patterns are relatively sophisticated in design, showing people's love and pursuit of nature and myths and legends at that time.

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During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, there were various weaving methods for underskirts. Common ones include brocade, embroidery, satin, yarn, etc. Among them, brocade is weaving silk threads of different colors into patterns, while weaving and embroidery is embroidering patterns on fabrics.

Ruskirts during the Sui and Tang Dynasties were mostly made of high-end fabrics such as silk. These fabrics are soft to the touch, fine in texture, comfortable to wear, and have good air permeability and moisture absorption. During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, many royal nobles and literati liked to wear gorgeous skirts. Among them, some representative works are still praised by future generations.

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"Gold Thread Clothes": This is a poem written by Du Qiuniang, a poet in the Tang Dynasty. It describes a woman wearing an exquisite gold thread clothes. The material of this kind of clothes is a mixture of gold threads and threads. The weaving method Very fine.

"Kirin Clothes": This is a painting painted by Wu Daozi, a famous Chang'an School painter in the Tang Dynasty. The painting depicts a woman wearing a unicorn pattern wearing a unicorn coat. The patterns on the clothes are extremely exquisite and the colors are bright. The lines are smooth.

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"Exhibition of Tang Dynasty Women's Costumes from the Palace Museum": This is an exhibition of Tang Dynasty women's costumes exhibited by the Palace Museum. The exhibits cover Tang Dynasty women's skirts, robes, coats and other clothing, showing the development of Tang Dynasty women's costumes. Artistic characteristics and development process.

"Beauty Pictures of Sui and Tang Dynasties": This is a long scroll painted by Zhang Xuan, a famous painter of the Tang Dynasty, depicting the style and clothing of beauties in the Tang Dynasty. In the painting, the women wear exquisite skirts and robes, wear flower crowns on their heads, and hold floral ornaments or fans. They are graceful, dignified and generous.

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The above representative works not only reflect the artistic characteristics of Ruqun clothing, but also reflect the development and changes of social culture, aesthetics and fashion at that time. The formation of the artistic characteristics of Ru skirt clothing in the Sui and Tang Dynasties is related to many factors, including the following aspects:

(1) Social and cultural background: During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the prosperity and development of social culture had an important impact on the artistic characteristics of Ruqun clothing. With the prosperity of social economy and the prevalence of culture and art, the taste and aesthetic requirements of the gentry and the royal family for clothing are also getting higher and higher.

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(2) International exchanges and cultural integration: During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the Central Plains dynasties and foreignThe exchanges and integration between countries are also one of the important factors in the formation of the artistic characteristics of Ru skirt clothing. The Central Plains dynasty had frequent exchanges with neighboring countries, and the exchanges and integration of Eastern and Western cultures continued to deepen. Skills such as brocade and embroidery were the result of exchanges with foreign cultures.

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(3) Fashion and personal taste: During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, with the development of social culture, fashion and personal taste also attracted more and more attention. The styles, patterns, materials, etc. of skirts and clothing became more and more colorful, reflecting the fashion and personal taste. The influence of personal taste on clothing. Especially with the admiration and pursuit of the gentry class and royal nobles, the artistic characteristics of underskirt clothing have been further developed and improved.

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(4) Skills and craftsmanship: During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the improvement of skills and craftsmanship was also an important factor in the development of the artistic characteristics of skirt clothing. The development of textile, dyeing, embroidery and other techniques has promoted the quality of underskirt clothing and enriched the patterns and colors of clothing.

The unique charm and far-reaching influence of the art of skirt clothing in the Sui Dynasty not only led the fashion trend at that time, but also received more attention and attention in the contemporary era, becoming one of the important elements of fashion and cultural exchanges.

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●—≺ The impact of underskirts on clothing ≻—●

The design concept and artistic style of Ruqun in the Sui Dynasty provided valuable inspiration for modern fashion design. In today's fashion world, there are many designers who draw inspiration from ancient clothing designs to innovate and carry them forward. The simple lines and clear structure of the Sui Dynasty skirts, coupled with bright colors and gorgeous decorations, not only reflected the ancient people's pursuit of clothing and aesthetic awareness, but also inspired the creativity and inspiration of modern designers, becoming an important part of fashion design. element.

The cultural connotation and symbolic meaning of Ruqun in the Sui Dynasty also had a positive impact on contemporary people's cultural cognition and aesthetic concepts. In modern society, people's knowledge and understanding of culture and history are increasingly important. As one of the important representatives of ancient Chinese costumes, the Sui Dynasty Ruqun has the cultural connotation and symbolic meaning behind it, which can help people understand and understand ancient Chinese culture more deeply, and then expand their cultural horizons.

The influence of Ruqun in the Sui Dynasty can also be seen from the perspective of cultural exchange. Under the trend of cultural diversification in today's world, Chinese culture has gradually gone global, and the Sui Dynasty Ruqun has also become one of the important elements of Chinese cultural export. Through exhibitions, publications, cultural exchanges and other forms, the Sui Dynasty Ruqun has gone to the world and has become one of the windows for people around the world to understand and understand Chinese culture.

Not only did it lead the fashion trend at the time, it also had a profound impact on contemporary people's fashion design, cultural cognition and cultural exchanges. The Sui Dynasty Ruqun will continue to exert its unique charm and influence and make more contributions to the diversity of world culture. Ruqun in the Sui Dynasty not only had a profound impact on contemporary people, but also played an important role in the society at that time.

During the Sui Dynasty, the skirt, as a representative of women's clothing, was not only a symbol of fashion, but also a reflection of social status and identity. The quality and style of the underskirt are closely related to the status and wealth of the people to whom it belongs.

Among the palace and aristocratic classes, the decoration and craftsmanship of Ru skirts were very gorgeous, using high-end materials and exquisite craftsmanship such as jewelry, gold and silver threads, and silk satins to show their status and status.

Among the lower class people, the skirts are relatively simple, using ordinary cotton and linen fabrics and simple decoration to suit their economic ability. At the same time, the Ru skirt in the Sui Dynasty was also a reflection of social culture. The styles and colors of underskirts have profound cultural connotations and symbolic meanings.

For example, red skirts were considered a symbol of good luck, blessing and joy during the Sui Dynasty, so they were often used in weddings and major celebrations. The black skirt is considered mourning clothing and is only worn during funerals.

The development of Ruqun in the Sui Dynasty also reflected the changes and development of society at that time. The Sui Dynasty was an important period in Chinese history. Huge changes occurred in society, including the prosperity of the economy and trade, which also promoted the development and changes of clothing.

With the development of the economy and the prosperity of trade, various high-end fabrics and techniques have begun to be introduced and applied to the production of underskirts, thus enriching the styles and decorations of underskirts.

The art of skirt clothing in the Sui and Tang Dynasties has the characteristics of diversity, decoration and sophistication. The formation and development of these characteristics are closely related to the social atmosphere and cultural background of the time, the development of economy and science and technology, the exchange and integration of different regions and national cultures, the background of the times and the political situation. The interaction of these factors jointly promoted the formation and development of the artistic characteristics of Ru skirt clothing in the Sui and Tang Dynasties.