The Hanfu Ruqun Across Millennia

The Hanfu Ruqun Across Millennia

As a kind of clothing passed down from ancestors, the skirt was once a favorite skirt for girls and women. Even today, when the Hanfu revival movement has begun to take effect, it is still loved by many girls. So, Do you know about the birth and evolution of Hanfu?

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Ruqun appeared in the Warring States Period and rose in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties. Ruqun is a type of Hanfu. The short coat worn on the upper body and the skirt worn on the lower body are collectively called Ruqun. It is a typical "top and lower skirt" clothing system. The top is called "ru" and is shorter in length, usually no longer than the knee. The lower body is called "skirt". It can be seen that "Ruqun" is actually the collective name of two types of clothing.

Ruqun is one of the most important forms of Chinese women's clothing. From the Warring States Period to the Ming Dynasty, more than two thousand years ago, although the length, width and width changed from time to time, the basic shape always maintained the original style.

In the Han Dynasty, due to the widespread popularity of deep clothing, the number of women wearing skirts gradually decreased. However, women in the Han Dynasty did not abandon this kind of clothing, and there were many descriptions in Han Yuefu poems. The styles of underskirts in this period were generally very short, only reaching the waist, while the skirts were very long, hanging down to the floor.

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The Ru skirts in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties inherited the old system of the Han Dynasty, mainly the upper skirt and lower skirt. The fabric of the lower skirt is more colorful than that in the Han Dynasty. With the rise of Buddhism, lotus, honeysuckle and other patterns appeared in large numbers on clothing. Women's skirts paid attention to the material, color, and bright and gorgeous patterns. Plain white skirts without flowers were also popular.

In the Tang Dynasty, short-sleeved jackets with short sleeves and floor-length skirts were worn for a long time. However, after the prosperous Tang Dynasty, the clothes of the nobles turned to wide and long clothes. The pattern of the skirt is made of four connected pieces, narrow at the top and wide at the bottom, hanging down to the ground without any edges.

The waist of the skirt is made of silk strips, and the two ends are sewn with ties. The fabric of the lower skirt is mainly made of silk fabrics, preferably multiple pieces, and the skirt waist is lifted up. At this time, the skirt is brightly colored, mostly deep red, purple, moon green, grass green, etc. Among them, the pomegranate red skirt has been popular for the longest time, and the color Diversity and diversity make people dazzled and dizzying.

For example, the bird skirt of Princess Anle, the daughter of Emperor Zhongzong of the Tang Dynasty, can be regarded as a masterpiece in the history of Chinese weaving and embroidery; Wu Zetian's bell skirt is decorated with twelve bells on the four corners of the skirt, which jingles as she walks. The short jacket and shawl are matched together, showing the graceful and plump charm of the women in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, showing the very poetic beauty and rhythm.

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The clothing of the Song Dynasty turned away from the gorgeous colors of the Tang Dynasty and became elegant and quiet. The lower skirt is fashionable with "thousand pleats" or "hundred folds" and is tied with a silk belt around the waist. The skirt is generally brighter in color than the top. Elderly women and rural women mostly wear dark-colored skirts. Skirts were mostly made of gauze, embroidered with patterns or embellished with pearls and jade. At that time, there were also "spin skirts" with front and rear slits and "catch-up skirts" that covered each other and were tied with belts.

The jacket skirt (the evolution of the skirt) was popular in the Ming Dynasty and has been unearthed in Ming tombs; the cross-collar, mid-waist skirt was worn by ordinary people (such as girls, peasant women, etc.). The upper jacket is a cross-collar, long-sleeved short jacket, and knee-length trousers (trousers) are added under the skirt.

The color of the skirt is light at first, and although there are patterns, they are not obvious. In the early years of Chongzhen, most skirts were plain white. Even if there were embroidery patterns, they were only decorated with a strip of lace one or two inches below the skirt as a presser foot.

The skirt was initially made of six pieces, which is the so-called "skirt drags the water of the Xiangjiang River in six pieces"; later it was made of eight pieces. There are many fine pleats on the waist, and the movements are like water patterns.

By the end of the Ming Dynasty, the decoration of skirts became more and more elaborate, the width of the skirt also increased to ten, and the pleats on the waist became denser and denser. Each pleat has a color. When the breeze blows, the color is like moonlight, so it is called "Moonlight Skirt" .

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Ruqun, like other cultures, finally appeared in front of us after a long period of time. Thousands of years of time are like a hammer, tempered in the fire of history, and then passed down. , rather than just die.