Young people in Shanghai wearing Hanfu to experience national trend culture

Young people in Shanghai wearing Hanfu to experience national trend culture

Young people in Shanghai wearing Hanfu to experience national trend culture - Image 1

Young girls wear Hanfu to experience Chinese culture. Photo by China News Service reporter Tang Yanjun

Young people in Shanghai wearing Hanfu to experience national trend culture - Image 2

A young girl wearing Hanfu attracts attention. Photo by China News Service reporter Tang Yanjun

Young people in Shanghai wearing Hanfu to experience national trend culture - Image 3

The "Guochao Cultural Festival" was very lively. Photo by China News Service reporter Tang Yanjun

Young people in Shanghai wearing Hanfu to experience national trend culture - Image 4

Tourists take photos with girls wearing Hanfu. Photo by China News Service reporter Tang Yanjun

Young people in Shanghai wearing Hanfu to experience national trend culture - Image 5

The "National Trend Theme Show" was staged in Shanghai Happy Valley. Photo by China News Service reporter Tang Yanjun

Young people in Shanghai wearing Hanfu to experience national trend culture - Image 6

The "National Chao Culture Festival" attracted many young people wearing Hanfu to participate.

On March 23, a "National Trend Theme Show" was staged in Shanghai Happy Valley. On the same day, the grand opening of the "Guochao Culture Festival" attracted many young people wearing Hanfu to experience the Guochao culture.