The beauty of Chinese Hanfu lies in its essence

The beauty of Chinese Hanfu lies in its essence

In recent years, Hanfu craze has quietly started all over the country. Hanfu is increasingly entering the public eye and entering our lives. Especially on the streets of the beautiful tourist city of Hanzhong, you can often see people wearing different Hanfus swimming around in many places. Especially in traditional festivals, young men and women gather in groups, and handsome boys and beauties come one after another, which is like a beautiful scenery, which is spectacular. Being in it feels like traveling back to ancient China!

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Hanfu cultural associations have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, Hanfu merchants and stores have increased sharply, and various Hanfu cultural tourism festivals and other festivals are brilliant and dizzying. People can often enjoy various Hanfu performances, Hanfu gatherings, and Hanfu catwalks. The performers wear Hanfu, turning back time and interpreting thousands of years of culture. The audience is immersed in the gorgeous ancient elegance.

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The colorful Hanfu in Hanzhong, Shaanxi is amazing!

Hanfu "began from the Yellow Emperor and was prepared by Yao and Shun" and originated from the crown uniform made by the Yellow Emperor. It was finalized in the Zhou Dynasty, and through the Han Dynasty, a complete crown service system was formed based on the Four Books and Five Classics, and became part of the Shinto teachings.

Therefore, all subsequent Chinese dynasties all followed the Zhou Fa and Han Dynasties and regarded the inheritance of Han clothes and crowns as a national event, so there was a public opinion in the Twenty-Four Histories. "The Yellow Emperor, Yao, and Shun used their clothes to rule the world, and the benefits were taken from the universe." This means that the shape of the upper garment and lower garment is determined by heaven's will and is sacred.

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"The birthplace of the Han family" - Hanzhong, must be a city you can't miss. Many tourists who come to Hanzhong will say: "Hanzhong is really suitable for wearing Hanfu." Wearing a Hanfu skirt, the flower pattern on the forehead is outlined in strokes. Even if you can't really travel through time, you can still have a dream about time. If you also like Hanfu, you might as well take advantage of the spring weather. Follow in Xiaoyou's footsteps, stroll through ancient Hanzhong wearing Hanfu, and freeze the beauty of thousands of years!

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Hanfu, with elegant robes, floating like a fairy, beautiful and moving. The gold thread sparkles and exudes a luxurious atmosphere. Hanfu is decorated with flower and bird patterns, and petals and birds seem to be flying on the clothes, which is enchanting.

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Hanfu is not only a kind of clothing, but also a cultural inheritance and expression. When Hanfu is combined with beautiful women, it creates an intoxicating and beautiful scene that attracts people's attention and becomes the center of attention. Nowadays, in urban streets and ancient buildings and gardens, you can see beauties in Hanfu, who are like exquisite paintings, bringing people visual and spiritual enjoyment. Their presence allows people to feel the breadth and depth of Chinese traditional culture, and also makes the beauty of Hanfu shine more dazzlingly over time.

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Hanfu is not only a recognition of a national costume, but also used by some people for daily wear. For a time, Tang suit and Hanfu became representatives of recognition of Chinese elements and cultural aesthetics.

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A suit of Hanfu and a handful of oil paperUmbrella, look at these sisters, they are always charming and elegant, reserved and concise, shy yet beautiful. You don’t know if you don’t wear them, it turns out that the costumes of the ancients are so beautiful!

The beauties dressed in Hanfu played the piano under the willow trees, quietly smelled the fragrance of flowers, watched the beautiful scenery of the world, and listened to the quiet music of the soul. With tenderness and tenderness, you can collect a beautiful feeling quietly. Filled with deep affection and fragrant fragrance, I use the ink pen of my soul to describe the elegance of Hanfu. The sea of ​​​​heart is surging, and the flowers are fanning out, allowing the beautiful soul to overflow and flowers to bloom step by step. As time goes by, the beauty remains the same!

Hanfu is loved by more and more people. It is a beautiful existence that represents the charm and essence of Chinese traditional culture.

Hanfu allows modern people to re-understand the importance and charm of traditional Chinese culture. She is not only a person wearing Hanfu, but also a kind of inheritance and promotion of history and culture. Her existence allows us to see the vitality and vitality of traditional culture.

Hanfu is the most beautiful clothing for Chinese women. For thousands of years, Hanfu has carried not only a kind of life aesthetics, but also the continuation of the lifestyle of countless Chinese people. Today's Hanzhong is an era when Hanfu is popular.