Dress up and head to Luoyang to experience the Tang dynasty Hanfu style

Dress up and head to Luoyang to experience the Tang dynasty Hanfu style

Original title: Change your clothes and go to Luoyang to taste the ancient style of the Han and Tang Dynasties

China Tourism News chief reporter Wang Wei and reporter Tang Bonong

Swaying the fan gently, the clothes are elegant, making people have dreams A sense of the intertwining time of Luoyang City during the Sui and Tang Dynasties. The May Day holiday has not yet arrived, and Luoyang, which is in the flower season, is already bustling with activity. "Only peonies are the true national beauty, and they move the capital when they bloom." Looking at the scene of men, women, old and children wearing Hanfu admiring flowers, many people immediately thought of "Peony Appreciation" by Liu Yuxi, a poet of the Tang Dynasty. Today, Luoyang is called a Hanfu friendly city by many netizens. OTA data shows that since this year, Luoyang’s search volume for “Hanfu” ranks second in the country, and searches for “Men’s Hanfu” have increased by 550% year-on-year.

Hanfu makes this thousand-year-old capital more charming and attractive, and also makes the hotels and B&Bs in the city more "volume". A hotelier in Luoyang told reporters that now when young people go to Luoyang to stay, they don't ask whether breakfast is provided, but they first ask if there are Hanfu. Data from Qunar.com shows that the May Day holiday booking peak has now entered, and searches and bookings for hotels and B&Bs that offer Hanfu experience have increased significantly year-on-year.

Luoyang Yunhuali Intangible Cultural Heritage Art B&B is located in the ancient city of Luoyi, a famous Hanfu check-in place in Luoyang. The current May Day holiday booking volume has reached 80%. Si Wei, the B&B manager, has launched a Hanfu experience service in 2021. In her opinion, simply checking in and taking photos can no longer completely constitute the reason for these Hanfu experiencers to come to Luoyang. Now guests are more interested in the culture of the ancient capital of thirteen dynasties. Wearing Hanfu is also to "match" the scene here.

"The popularity of Hanfu here is closely related to its cultural heritage, and guests are also very interested in other cultural experiences in Luoyang." said Chen Qiang, general manager of Luoyang Huamao Chunsong Hotel.

Obviously the streets are full of Hanfu experience stores, why do a large number of customers still want to experience such services in hotels and B&Bs?

Reporters saw on several social platforms that the most common complaint among netizens about the Hanfu experience was not that the film was not released, but that the texture, workmanship and cleanliness of the Hanfu did not satisfy them. The guideline given by many netizens to avoid pitfalls is to stay in hotels or B&Bs that provide Hanfu services.

Why is this? Some industry insiders told reporters that hotels and B&Bs that provide such services generally purchase Hanfu and accessories directly, which have relatively high quality requirements, and most of them are provided free of charge to hotel guests. At the same time, hotels and B&Bs will establish cooperation with local makeup artists and photographers with better skills, or form a team themselves to provide these services at better prices and with higher quality. The most important thing is that follow-up work such as cleaning, disinfection and maintenance of clothing will also be done carefully.

Si Wei told reporters that the number of their Hanfu sets has reached 500, and a batch will be eliminated and updated every year. In this way, while ensuring the quality of clothing, the styles can always be changed. However, the reporter noticed that in view of the cost of this part, some Luoyang hotels directly chose to transfer this business to professional Hanfu clothing companies.agency to take over. The hotel plays the role of screening and recommendation.

Whether the Hanfu business can do well depends on many factors, but several industry players unanimously mentioned one key point: cultural atmosphere.

Although the Hanfu craze has brought a lot of traffic to the B&B, Si Wei still feels pressure. "What if we can't explain Luoyang's culture well?" Si Wei found that many guests came here with their own understanding of Luoyang culture. At the B&B, you can often see guests wearing Hanfu made in the Tang Dynasty exchanging their research on the ancient capital and Tang culture with the staff. At this time, Si Wei always tries to answer questions more accurately and in detail, because only in this way can guests feel the fun of cultural experience.

Luoyang Fengqi B&B is a local Internet celebrity B&B, and its rooms are fully booked during the May Day holiday. In the guest room, you can see the guide compiled by the host Fangfang herself. She will not only tell the guests which attractions in Luoyang are worth visiting, but also describe her understanding of each attraction, including some historical background and not-so-easy details. Knowledge points to understand. For this reason, Fangfang did a lot of homework before writing. In her opinion, the culture of the prosperous Tang Dynasty in Luoyang needs to be savored carefully. It would be a pity if the guests just "gave a quick glance". A guest who stayed at Fengqi B&B in Luoyang commented: "When I made the reservation, it was because the Hanfu and the scenery of this B&B were beautiful; when I recalled it, what was unforgettable was the charm of the ancient capital that the owner of the B&B showed every word."

“Compared with scenic spots and ancient streets, it is not easy for hotels to provide immersive experiences.” Ma Yongheng, president of Luoyang Tourism and Accommodation Industry Association, said that the root of creativity lies in the display of cultural taste. Tang culture, ancient capital Culture, peony culture, etc., require hotels to constantly explore connection points. Intangible cultural heritage experience and Hanfu experience are just one of them, and more vivid and creative ideas can appear.

Source: China Tourism News