Glimpsing the Light of Hanfu Civilization from the Silk Threads

Glimpsing the Light of Hanfu Civilization from the Silk Threads

The dazzling clothing culture reflects the development trajectory of ancient material and spiritual civilization, and outlines the continuous life picture of the Chinese nation

The fusion of classical elements and modern creativity has brought people A more diversified and novel aesthetic experience also helps the ancient costumes to "rejuvenate youth"

Wearing a hairpin on the head, holding a fan in hand, and fluttering clothes... Walking on the streets of Suzhou, Jiangsu Province in a warm spring day In the alleys, tourists wearing traditional costumes frequently come into view. They visited gardens and water towns to feel the ancient charm and modern style of Jiangnan. They also "entered the scenery" with their own bodies, giving people a sense of traveling through history. In recent years, as traditional culture continues to heat up, many people, especially young people, have begun to admire the beauty of neon clothes. Traditional clothing has become a choice for many people to shape their personal image and life rituals.

China is known as a "land of etiquette" and a "land of dress". Various traditional costumes are not only beautiful, but also carry rich historical information and cultural connotations, reflecting the overall customs, thoughts, technologies and cultural characteristics of society. The costumes of the Qin and Han Dynasties are simple and solemn, the costumes of the Tang Dynasty are luxurious and rich, the costumes of the Song and Ming Dynasties are elegant and exquisite, and the costumes of ethnic minorities have their own characteristics... The dazzling costume culture reflects the development trajectory of ancient material and spiritual civilization, and outlines the continuous development of the Chinese nation. picture of life. Chinese civilization has been extensive and profound for more than five thousand years, and clothing culture has always been an important chapter. From the warp and weft of silk threads, we can glimpse the light of civilization and feel the charm of civilization.

Today, traditional clothing, which is full of memories of the times and cultural genes, has been transformed from "minority" to "top-notch" with the help of social media communication and cross-border integration, glowing with brilliance. More and more people are "looking for clothes and asking questions" and feel the profound heritage of the Splendid China through the humanistic connotations carried by traditional clothing. Therefore, we see that the horse-faced skirt that combines tradition and fashion has become the "favorite" of many people; the new Hanfu has gradually become a daily wear; new Chinese patterns, Xiangyun yarn, etc. have become design elements favored by young people; more and more Many people wear traditional costumes and walk on the streets abroad... People express their aesthetic concepts and cultural attitudes through the symbolic symbol of clothing, and they also go deep into the traditional culture and gain moisture from rain and dew. Traditional clothing has become a way to express cultural identity, and it has also witnessed the continuous strengthening of our cultural identity and deepening cultural confidence.

The "popularity" of traditional clothing is a "two-way rush" between contemporary and traditional. People wear traditional clothing and feel the classical and traditional beauty from the shape of the clothing and the weaving and embroidery patterns. At the same time, more and more people love traditional clothing, which also injects impetus into the innovative development of traditional clothing. Some Hanfu enthusiasts said that in the past, there were fewer choices for Hanfu patterns, but now the market demand is growing. The "Hanfu craze" has driven pattern innovation, and more and more characteristic pattern innovations extracted from traditional culture have "bloomed", making traditional clothing more attractive. Sparkling. For example, in Caoxian County, Shandong Province, some businesses have integrated intangible cultural heritage into Hanfu. Shadow puppets have become the pattern of horse-faced skirts, wickerwork has been made into accessories for Hanfu, and wood carving techniques have been used to match Hanfu hairpins...a fusion of classical elements and modern creativity. , bringing people more diverse and novelAesthetic experience also helps ancient clothing "rejuvenate".

The favor for traditional clothing is worthy of joy, but this favor should not just be in form, but should also go deep into the heart. For example, the two swallowtail butterflies on the palace cloak of the Qing Dynasty symbolize a happy reunion; the one-word buttons on traditional clothing carry the ancients' understanding of the round sky and the square earth, the unity of heaven and man, and their respect for nature. Only by understanding these "unfinished words" behind traditional costumes and deeply understanding the wisdom of creation, philosophical connotation, and artistic beauty contained in them can we truly appreciate the cultural flavor of traditional costumes. Today, many public cultural and educational projects focus on this. For example, the China Silk Museum has held a traditional costume festival for many years, innovatively interpreting the beauty of traditional costume culture through exhibition tours, special lectures, Hanfu nights and other activities. More efforts in this area will help people better enter the "Hundred Gardens" of traditional clothing and deeply understand the essence of China's excellent traditional culture.

Every piece of clothing is full of long-standing cultural connotations, connecting endless cultural feelings. The colorful traditional costumes swaying elegantly in the spring breeze make the cultural inheritance of Splendid China start with clothes and reach far beyond.

Author: Huang Chao

Source: People’s Daily