Why is wearing Hanfu so popular in Luoyang

Why is wearing Hanfu so popular in Luoyang

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Photographer: Xia Hou Qingyan

Top news reporter Wang Li

“We sincerely invite guests and friends from all over the world to enjoy the beauty and fragrance of the country.” After the launch of the Luoyang Peony Cultural Festival, tourists from all over the country gathered in Luoyang City. Tourists put on Hanfu and walked into The peony flowers come from me, and I want to be as beautiful as the peonies.

Going to Luoyang to wear Hanfu and admire peonies has become one of the most popular things to do this spring. Hanfu can be worn anywhere, why do you have to go to Luoyang to wear it?

Going to Luoyang to wear Hanfu will become a trend this spring

Since this period of time, the streets of Luoyang have seemed to be passing through the scene. The four "Tang Monk" masters and apprentices are riding the subway, the "King of the Girl Country" is riding a shared bicycle, and people are greeting tourists. "Yue Lao", the empress of the Qing Palace who took pictures of Biye... so lively! Netizens posted videos of riding in Luoyang and lamented: "I'm the only one riding the bus without wearing Hanfu. Who knows!"

Social On the platform, many bloggers came to experience cross-dressing, vying to launch check-in strategies to experience the Hanfu culture of the ancient city. The videos shot in various styles are widely circulated on the Internet, attracting tourists from all over the world.

The number of discussions on the topic of Luoyi Ancient City on Douyin exceeded 1 billion times. Under the topic, many tourists turned into "tap water" and posted videos of Hanfu cross-dressing, and highly recommended going to Luoyang to wear Hanfu. "You must come to Luoyang and feel the elegance of the prosperous Tang Dynasty." has become a popular copywriting at the moment.

Meituan data shows that since April, the number of orders for Hanfu experience in Luoyang has ranked second in the country, and the number of merchants providing Hanfu experience has increased by 375 compared with the same period last year. %, and the order volume increased by 530% month-on-month. Former hot pot restaurants, convenience stores, etc. have changed their businesses and become Hanfu experience centers. The ancient city of Luoyi is crowded with people, tourists are queuing up outside the Hanfu Experience Center, and photographers are hard to find schedules... all proving the popularity of Hanfu in Luoyang.

Photographer: Xia Hou Qingyan Model: Li Yi

Walking on the streets of Luoyang, without wearing Hanfu it feels like Out of place

Hanfu can be worn anywhere, why do you have to come to Luoyang to check in? "Walking on the streets of Luoyang, if you are not wearing Hanfu, you may feel out of place." Visitor Jin Jin gave his answer.

Jin Jin from Liaoning, because her mother likes peonies very much, she has always wanted to see peonies. When the Peony Culture Festival was held in Luoyang, she went Came with my parents who are over seventy years old. "You must wear Hanfu in Luoyang. There is no sense of violation at all, and the atmosphere is very good." Jin Jin said that it was the first time for his parents to wear Hanfu. They chose to wear Hanfu in Luoyang because the atmosphere is good and they will not feel uncomfortable when walking on the streets. strangeness.

Jin Jin said that she and her parents were really satisfied with this trip. Not only was it fun and delicious, but her mother also said that next year Will definitely come again. "The people in Henan are super friendly and enthusiastic, which relieved my parents' nervousness about wearing Hanfu for the first time. The photographer is very professional and the photos he took are beautiful, and he also sent a few more refined pictures."

In the eyes of tourist Xiao Meng, Luoyang is a "Hanfu-friendly" city. During the Peony Cultural Festival, people wearing Hanfu can get discounts on the subway, visit Guanlin for free, and go to Wangcheng Park to enjoy flowers for free... …"No matter what you wear here, you won't feel weird wearing anything here. Whether you wear Hanfu or ethnic costumes, they are all beautiful and popular."

"Reasonable pricing, enthusiastic service, clean environment, and orderly management." Tourist Xiao Yang described her trip to Luoyang in four words. On April 19, she shared her advice on wearing Hanfu to take photos in Luoyang on social platforms, becoming one of the "tap water" in the ancient city of Luoyi. The parking fee was only 3 yuan, which surprised her.

Standardized and clearly marked prices, the price is close to the people

In addition to the friendly atmosphere, the price is close to the people is another characteristic of Hanfu in the ancient city of Luoyi a label. On social platforms, many merchants advertise that for 39 yuan, you can experience being a princess in the Tang Dynasty for one day. In the scenic area, there are all kinds of Hanfu makeup products at various price points such as 39.9, 49.9, 79, and 199 yuan.

"There are many Hanfu shops in Luoyang, and the clothes and makeup are relatively cheap and cost-effective." Hanfu enthusiast Nan Nan has been "looking around Luoyang" , I still can’t stop praising Luoyang.

Mr. Wang, the owner of the Hanfu Experience Center, told Top News that he opened his store to take advantage of this year’s popularity and take the mid-to-high-end route. The store is the most expensive. The set meal is 288 yuan. "You get what you pay for. Most of our clothes are brand-name products with better quality." Mr. Wang said that the prices in Luoyi Ancient City stores are clearly marked, and the overall price is not high. Most of the merchants are in healthy competition.

It is understood that in order to provide a better customer experience, the old city of Luoyang City has carried out the "standardizing the behavior of clear price tags to maintain market price order" to regulate Hanfu Operate industry activities. On February 15, the Market Supervision Bureau of the Old City issued the "Implementation Plan for Political Standardization Activities of Clear Price Marking in the Hanfu Rental Industry in the Old City."

The plan stipulates that when providing services, operators should consciously and clearly mark prices in accordance with the law. The content must be true, accurate, clear and eye-catching, and price changes must be timely. Adjustment. No additional prices, bundled sales, etc. are allowed.

“We clearly mark the prices, and there is a reporting hotline under the price list.” Lan Lan, the owner of the Hanfu Experience Center, said that because she has been engaged in makeup training for a long time At work, makeup professionalism is a magic weapon for attracting customers, and customers' satisfaction with makeup is as high as 100%.

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TikTok blogger (coin.)

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Immersive experience has set off a craze for Hanfu in the old city

In recent years, script killing, escape rooms, drama performances, etc. Immersive activities have become popular one after another, and immersive experience services are favored by young people.

"Putting on Hanfu is like being in the prosperous Tang Dynasty." Tourist Zhizhi said that the antique buildings and lifelike buildings in Luoyi Ancient City The lighting gives people a sense of time travel, and this immersive atmosphere is the reason why I went to Luoyang.

"Luoyi Peony Order Panoramic Script Exploration and Experience Month, 'Shendu Luoyi · Bright Night Alluring City' Peony Lantern Exhibition, "The Wind Rises" "Luoyang" offline immersive experience, Mengtang Pavilion Comprehensive Cultural and Entertainment Experience Center and other large-scale real-life script experience projects form a cluster of immersive experience projects, providing tourists with rich dressing scenes for immersive Hanfu experience, "Luoyang Old Town Culture and Tourism Bureau. Deputy Director Meng Peipei said that these constantly updated immersive experience projects are one of the highlights of Luoyi Ancient City attracting tourists.

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Model: Liang Chengyun (right) Photographer: Xia Hou Qingyan

In Meng Peipei’s opinion, going to Luoyang this year Wearing Hanfu to check in and become popular is unexpected and reasonable.

On the one hand, people are paying more and more attention to the protection, inheritance and promotion of traditional culture, and Hanfu is highly consistent with the temperament of the ancient capital of Luoyang. The city's rich historical and cultural heritage also provides soil for the development of Hanfu; on the other hand, in recent years, Luoyang has used major festivals such as the Spring Festival and Lantern Festival, Peony Cultural Festival, Heluo Cultural Festival and other major festivals to carefully organize and plan Hanfu photography competitions, " A series of activities such as the "Dream of the Sui and Tang Dynasties - All in Luoyi" Hanfu Culture Festival have attracted a large number of Hanfu enthusiasts. These "tap water" people actively promote Hanfu and recommend Luoyang with the help of new media platforms such as Douyin.

If you want to remain popular, you need to continue to innovate.

Meng Peipei said that their next step will be to attract well-known Hanfu brands such as Minghuatang and Hanshang Hualian to settle in Luoyi Ancient City; and to standardize the management of the Hanfu industry , to establish a Hanfu cultural industry cluster with coordinated development of "history + culture + clothing". It is also necessary to rely on major festivals to organize immersive Hanfu experience activities such as the Hanfu Flower Festival, Hanfu Cultural Exchange Meeting, and Hanfu Show to attract Hanfu enthusiasts to continue visiting the ancient city of Luoyi.

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