Children Wearing Hanfu Showcase the Beauty of Ancient Attire

Children Wearing Hanfu Showcase the Beauty of Ancient Attire

Chao News Client Correspondent Zhong Yiran

In order to let children intuitively feel the beauty of Chinese clothing, take root in cultural blood, inherit cultural essence, and demonstrate cultural confidence, a few days ago, Putuo Primary School in Zhoushan City held an "Ancient Rhythm "Nice Clothes" costume show event.

Children Wearing Hanfu Showcase the Beauty of Ancient Attire - Image 1

Children Wearing Hanfu Showcase the Beauty of Ancient Attire - Image 2

Children Wearing Hanfu Showcase the Beauty of Ancient Attire - Image 3

Children Wearing Hanfu Showcase the Beauty of Ancient Attire - Image 4

Children Wearing Hanfu Showcase the Beauty of Ancient Attire - Image 5

Teachers and students are dressed in colorful clothes, as if they are coming from a historical scroll. In ancient poems, "When you are combing your hair at the window, you are applying yellow flowers to the mirror", "New posts are embroidered with ruffles, and there are golden partridges in pairs". Suddenly there was a picture. Chinese clothing shines with brilliance. I hope our children can confidently display the beauty of Hanfu and inherit the essence of culture no matter where they are in the future.

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