80 china size, hanfu overcoat, hanfu left over right

80 china size, hanfu overcoat, hanfu left over right

Editor's note: On May 10, the 2024 China Brand Day series of activities will kick off at the Shanghai World Expo Exhibition and Convention Center. More than 50 independent brands from Henan participated in the exhibition, and a variety of online and offline activities were carried out with the theme of "Everything is rising in Henan". What are the highlights of the Henan offline exhibition area? Yupinbufan brings you an immersive experience.


Dahewang Shanghai News When the cultural relics that have been sleeping for thousands of years are embellished with gorgeous clothes, when the exhibits in the glass cabinets are embroidered into the patterns of Hanfu, when the melodious music of the Chinese ancient orchestra is displayed at the Shanghai World Expo The museum echoed, and the Henan Museum’s “Fashionable Costumes” made a stunning appearance. As the first special event during the 2024 China Brand Day event, "The Coming of Chinese Clothing" combines traditional cultural elements with clothing to bring a cultural feast that spans time and space to the audience.

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Rehearsal scene for the brand launch event of the trendy Chinese clothing brand

[Performance] Cultural relics come to life, and the revitalized performance makes people immersed in it

A heartfelt song, a romantic song and dance. Accompanied by the melodious music of the Chinese Ancient Orchestra, the sleeping cultural relics came to life, dancing, singing, and playing music... On the afternoon of May 9, at the rehearsal site for the special event "The Coming of Chinese Costumes", the cultural relics activation performance put tourists in a fantasy world. In the time and space tunnel, you can not only feel the solemnity and mystery of ancient civilization, but also appreciate the innovation and vitality of modern art.

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The performance scene of the Chinese Ancient Orchestra

On the special event stage on the first floor of the Shanghai World Expo Exhibition and Convention Center, the Chinese Ancient Orchestra is rehearsing, playing ancient tunesThe performance attracted many people to stop and admire it, and took out their mobile phones to take photos with the ladies in Hanfu at the scene.

Dahe.com reporters learned that these pieces of music were performed by members of the Chinese Ancient Orchestra of Henan Museum. Since its establishment in 2000, the Henan Museum Chinese Ancient Ensemble has conducted research on the restoration of music cultural relics from the Central Plains, staged restoration and reconstruction of ancient music scores, costumes and performance scenes, and launched concerts with different themes, which have been well received by audiences at home and abroad. The orchestra has visited and performed in the United States, Thailand, Turkey, Italy, South Korea, Cambodia, Singapore and other countries, becoming a characteristic brand of China's cultural exchanges with foreign countries.

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Rehearsal scene for brand launch event of Chinese clothing trend

[Release] Wear "cultural relics" on your body, Henan Museum releases customized Chinese clothing

Want to know how to wear "cultural relics" How does it feel on your body? The new products released by Henan Museum’s “Chinese Clothing Trend” can feast the eyes of the general audience. The square pot with lotus and crane, the picture of the four gods and clouds, the Owl statue of Fuhao... these treasured cultural relics will appear on each gorgeous costume.

Ji Yuantong, the manager of the Henan Museum's "Chinese Clothing Trend" brand, said that they designed based on the five dynasties of Han, Wei, Jin, Tang, Song and Ming, and closely combined the characteristics of different dynasties. Combining the cultural relics collected by Henan Museum with Chinese clothing, each set is a specially customized model of Henan Museum.

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Rehearsal scene of Chinese clothing brand launch event

According to reports, currently, 15 sets of customized Hanfu have been put on the shelves. Among them, there are 6 sets of Hanfu made in the Jin Dynasty, 3 sets made in the Tang Dynasty, 2 sets made in the Song Dynasty, 2 sets made in the Ming Dynasty, 1 set made in the Han Dynasty, and 1 set made in the Warring States Period. The number of customized Hanfu is still increasing.

“The best way to protect the culture of Hanfu is to wear it on your body.” Ji Yuantong said that in addition to customized Hanfu that conforms to the traditional shape, the trend of Chinese clothing is coming from the national trend, new Chinese style, and traditional Hanfu. The three directions are constantly innovating.

The rehearsal scene of the brand launch event of the Chinese clothing trend

[Significance] Wearing Hanfu culture on the body and letting traditional culture enter the lives of young people

The rehearsal scene of the Huaxia Ancient Orchestra The performance and the Hanfu show on the stage won praises from many people. Ms. Duan, who watched the entire rehearsal, said: "The Henan Museum combines history, culture and traditional costumes very well. Both in terms of creativity and presentation effect, we were deeply impressed and brightened our eyes."

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Rehearsal of the launch of the brand launch event "Huafu Lachao" attracted many people to watch

Ma Xiaolin, director of Henan Museum, said in an interview with a reporter from Dahe.com that "Huafu Lachao" is a brand carefully created by Henan Museum , which cleverly combines traditional cultural elements with clothing and enters the lives of more young people, currently has many fans in Henan.

The reason why I chose to come to Shanghai and launch the "Chinese Clothing Trend" brand on the big stage of China Brand Day is because I want toLet more audiences understand China's traditional culture and our traditional costumes, thereby enhancing cultural awareness and strengthening cultural confidence.

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The performance of the Chinese Ancient Ensemble

"We will dig deep into traditional culture and select more elements for creation. At the same time, we will conduct cross-border cooperation to create unique products. We will use modern technology to continuously innovate, so that More traditional costumes will appear in the industry, allowing China’s excellent traditional culture to be passed on,” said Ma Xiaolin. (Text/Liu Ruichao Yang Lulu Video/Wei Kai)