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z chinese restaurant, casual hanfu, lotus hanfu

According to news from the financial industry on May 17, an investor asked Antarctic E-commerce a question on the interactive platform: Dear company leaders, hello! The shorts of the Antarctic Milestone series have received very good response from the market recently, with general feedback that they are comfortable to wear and cost-effective. The company has made a good start with the milestone series. Does it have plans to expand into high-frequency consumer clothing such as socks and underwear? It is expected that the company will increase publicity and sales efforts, expand the consumer coverage of the Milestone series, and establish a better brand image.

The company responded: We have invested in Nanjiren’s underwear, men’s clothing, Hanfu, and sports and outdoor products on our own to create an upgraded version of “Nanjiren” and introduced the best supplier partners in the industry chain and a luxury craftsmanship team. , invested in research and development, with the concept of good-looking, "pleasant", comfortable and "pleasant", and around "luxury quality, affordable price, minimalism" to jointly create basic inner wear with a sense of ritual and outdoor outer wear that can be commuted. We will put the improvement of consumer consumption quality into practice.

This article comes from: Financial AI Telegram

Author: Announcement Jun