young chinese clothing, hanfu belt, hanfu jepang

young chinese clothing, hanfu belt, hanfu jepang

young chinese clothing, hanfu belt, hanfu jepang - Image 1 Chinese employees wear Hanfu on the catwalk. Photo by Gao Longan

young chinese clothing, hanfu belt, hanfu jepang - Image 2 Chinese employees wear Hanfu on the catwalk. Photo by Gao Longan

young chinese clothing, hanfu belt, hanfu jepang - Image 3 Foreign employees wore Hanfu on the catwalk. Photo by Gao Longan

young chinese clothing, hanfu belt, hanfu jepang - Image 4 Foreign employees wore Hanfu on the catwalk. Photo by Gao Longan

young chinese clothing, hanfu belt, hanfu jepang - Image 5 Employees of car companies are performing a Hanfu show. Photo by Gao Longan

young chinese clothing, hanfu belt, hanfu jepang - Image 6 Car company employees took a group photo wearing Hanfu. Photo by Gao Longan

young chinese clothing, hanfu belt, hanfu jepang - Image 7 Foreign employees display Hanfu. Photo by Gao Longan

Wearing hairpins on their heads and embroidered shoulders, on May 21, employees of Chinese and foreign car companies working in Changchun, the "Automobile City", changed out of their work clothes and put on Hanfu to walk on the same stage and experience the beauty of traditional Chinese culture together. . On the same day, the fourth FAW-Volkswagen 521 Family Festival was held. (End)