popular chinese clothing stores, hanfu vs, hanfu skirt pattern

popular chinese clothing stores, hanfu vs, hanfu skirt pattern


Recently, photos and videos of Dong Mingzhu, chairman and president of Gree Electric Appliances, wearing Hanfu at an event in Luoyang, Henan, quickly became popular on the Internet. became the focus of public opinion. This incident not only diversified Dong Mingzhu's personal image, but also brought new development opportunities to Luoyang's cultural tourism industry.

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Luoyang, this ancient capital with a history of thousands of years, has always been an important birthplace of Chinese civilization. In recent years, the Luoyang Municipal Government has actively promoted the development of the cultural tourism industry, hoping to attract more tourists by exploring and promoting local historical and cultural resources. Dong Mingzhu’s Hanfu style has undoubtedly added new highlights to Luoyang’s cultural tourism industry.

The reason why Dong Mingzhu’s Hanfu style has attracted widespread attention is that on the one hand, as a well-known entrepreneur, her personal image has always attracted much attention; on the other hand, Hanfu is an important part of Chinese traditional culture. Symbols have become increasingly popular among young people in recent years. The photos and videos of Dong Mingzhu wearing Hanfu not only show her respect and love for traditional culture, but also arouse people's interest and attention in Hanfu culture.

At the same time, Luoyang City, as a famous historical and cultural city in China, has made outstanding contributions to the development of cultural tourism. First of all, relying on its rich historical and cultural resources, Luoyang has successfully applied for world cultural heritage such as Longmen Grottoes, attracting global attention. Secondly, Luoyang innovatively holds large-scale cultural and tourism activities such as the Peony Cultural Festival, which demonstrates the unique charm of the city. Furthermore, Luoyang has increased investment in the construction of cultural tourism infrastructure to improve the service level of scenic spots and improve tourist experience. In addition, Luoyang actively explores the integrated development model of culture and tourism, promotes the in-depth integration of cultural and creative industries and tourism, and creates a series of cultural and tourism products with local characteristics. Luoyang also pays attention to the sustainable development of cultural tourism, adheres to the concept of green development, and achieves a harmonious coexistence of economic benefits and environmental protection. These efforts of Luoyang City not only promote the prosperity of the local economy, but also make positive contributions to the development of China's cultural tourism industry.

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The popularity of Dong Mingzhu’s Hanfu style not only makes her personal image more popular, but also brings new development opportunities to Luoyang’s cultural tourism industry. We hope that in the future, Luoyang can continue to explore and promote local historical and cultural resources, create a more colorful cultural tourism industry, and provide tourists with a better tourism experience. At the same time, we also hope that more people will pay attention to and support the development of Luoyang's cultural tourism industry and jointly promote the inheritance and development of Chinese culture.