One Minute to Introduce You to Chinese Hanfu

One Minute to Introduce You to Chinese Hanfu

In recent years, I have watched a lot of costume dramas, and I have become more and more interested in costumes. Especially Hanfu. When I first mentioned Hanfu, I thought it was the costume of the Han Dynasty. But later I learned that it is not. Today I’m going to share with you about Hanfu.

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Han in Hanfu refers to the Han nationality, not the Han Dynasty. Hanfu is the traditional costume of the Han nation. It is also called Han suit, Huafu, and Han clothes. It is the national costume worn by the Han people from the Huangdi period to the late Ming Dynasty. . At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, Hanfu came to an end after people shaved their hair and changed clothes. Fortunately, it is now being promoted again.

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The biggest features of Hanfu are cross collars, right gussets, and laces. Later, various styles developed, including round collars,Straight placket collar.

Cross collar: refers to the intersection of the left and right fronts of clothes.

Right lapel: The left and right skirts of clothes intersect, and the left skirt of clothes is pressed on the right skirt of clothes.

Lace: In addition to the fixation function, there is also a saying that the ancients respected the right side. The cross-collar represents a national spirit of tolerance. The sea is open to all rivers and tolerance is great. The long frenulum represents broadness and openness, and long length. One of the longest time.

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Body clothing is also clothing, which means clothing, which can be divided into deep clothing system, clothing system and general tailoring. The garment system is the oldest and most basic form of Hanfu, and it consists of two parts: the upper garment and the lower garment. There is also a jacket, which is a short coat that is usually worn with a skirt on the lower body. There is also a skirt, which is a lower garment that connects to the waist.

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