Foreigners are starting to become obsessed with Chinese-style Hanfu

Foreigners are starting to become obsessed with Chinese-style Hanfu

In the past, we all had a little inferiority complex in terms of culture and yearned for life in Europe and the United States. There were many people from Kazakhstan, Japan, and South Korea. However, with the rapid development of China's economy and the enhancement of cultural confidence, our reverse export has become more and more powerful. For example, in In terms of clothing design, we, known as the "big country in clothing", have gradually conquered the world.

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If you often watch some overseas fashion shows, you will probably see Chinese style being designed into clothes, becoming the most eye-catching presence in the show, such as blue and white porcelain, phoenix, dragon robe, Chinese knot, etc. We are no longer surprised. . So, to what extent are foreigners obsessed with Chinese style?

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Recently, the well-known domestic lolita girl "Xie Anran" released 6 sets of Chinese-style lolita in one go. After being spread to foreign websites by netizens, foreigners were amazed. This reverse output is really impressive.

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Xie Anran was originally the most well-known beauty in the Lolita circle. Anyone who saw her cos would be so beautiful that they couldn't help but buy her. Therefore, Xie Anran is also known as the "top figure in the Lolita circle".

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However, after becoming famous through Lolita, Xie Anran, the star in the world, became fascinated by the Chinese style. In the past two years, he has been committed to launching Chinese style Lolita clothing, trying to perfectly combine the Chinese style and Lolita skirts. Unexpectedly, he really liked it. Young people welcome.

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Recently, Xie Anran devoted himself to work after the epidemic in Shanghai ended, and released six sets of Chinese-style lolita in one go. Among them is a set of "Flowers, Birds, Dragons and Moon", which uses many Chinese-style elements, such as peonies, birds, dragons, etc. It is very unique. Chinese netizens feel friendly when seeing the elements with Chinese characteristics.

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Another set of national style lolita incorporates elements of Dunhuang Feitian. Xie Anran transforms into Princess Loulan. The combination of Chinese style and Lolita is really amazing. It is not only pleasing to the eye, but also has a strong cultural atmosphere and a sublimated beauty.

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There are other styles that I won’t introduce one by one. In short, Xie Anran’s six sets of Chinese-style lolita were not only impressed by Chinese people, but also won praise overseas. Foreigners gave thumbs up and said: “Chinese traditional culture costumes” , is it too beautiful?”

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Xie Anran did a great job with this wave of reverse output. In fact, as a top player in the LO circle, Xie Anran should now be renamed "Guo Feng Top". As early as 2018, she became popular with a set of national style cos Being out of the circle shows the fairy-like beauty of Hanfu to young people in China.

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At that time, the Chinese style online game "Ni Shuihan" had just become popular, and Xie Anran released a set of traveling girl cosplay. When the Lolita master turned into a Hanfu junior girl, and then made a naughty expression, it was really sweet. , Netizens commented: Xie Anran took Ni Shuihan's cosplay suit to a new level.

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Not long after, Xie Anran released another Nishuihan cosplay. This time she transformed into the White Deer Fairy, as if she had just walked out of the forest in the early morning, and this fairy spirit was overflowing across the screen.

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You know, this set of white deer costumes was designed for Ni Shui Han's anniversary. It uses blue background and white gauze as a whole, and the antlers on the head add a sense of agility, so it is very popular among players in Ni Shui Han games. Offline The physical version of Hanfu is also sought after by Hanfu enthusiasts because it shows off the figure and cultural class. I have to say that Xie Anran is too discerning.

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After two sets of Chinese-style cosplay with Ni Shuihan became popular, Xie Anran was invited by the Hanfu brand Shisanyu, and together with them they produced multiple sets of Chinese-style lolita. Since each set became a hit, Xie Anran is now I am also going deeper and deeper into the national style lolita. Now even foreigners are sending me their knees. Xie Anran is awesome!

What do you think about the fact that foreigners are so obsessed with Chinese style?