Men's Restoration of Hanfu Spreads Traditional Culture

Men's Restoration of Hanfu Spreads Traditional Culture

Chao News Client Correspondent Wang Wei Reporter Tang Xinyi

The Hangzhou Canal is a good place for a spring outing. Recently, a group of "ancient people" wearing Hanfu and hairpins made in the Song Dynasty appeared by the canal. Their beautiful and unique Chinese style attracted tourists to watch, especially a man with hairpins, which attracted a lot of attention. .

He is the initiator of this event, the founder of the "Twelve Creative Groups" and the blogger of Xiaohongshu Chinese style "@国CrazyWenruyu".

Having been involved in Hanfu for three or four years, he said that he has experienced a lot from being an ordinary Hanfu enthusiast to becoming a mature Hanfu restoration researcher and event organizer. "We organized it through the online platform. Due to the rise of national style, Hanfu has gradually become something that young people generally know and understand, but the number of people who really know about restoring Hanfu is still limited. So I thought of starting this group to let everyone know more about it. Understand our own national costumes. I am the image seller, and other friends perform their own duties. Some are responsible for appearing on camera, some are responsible for reviewing information and restoring makeup, and some are responsible for photography. Twelve The creative team is now maturing and I believe it will bring more surprises in the future.”


"We didn't know each other before. We all got together thanks to the Internet platform." Hanfu enthusiast @热播中 shared, "It turns out that everyone works alone, restoring costumes and checking historical data on their own. , but today my makeupTao was made for me by the group members, and it was really great. I think this offline activity is very interesting, and I have found many like-minded friends, which makes me feel very happy. We have made an appointment to form a group to go to the China Silk Museum next week to see exhibitions, listen to lectures and watch catwalk shows. ”


In the future, the "Twelve Creative Groups" will continue to organize more Hanfu restoration studies and offline exchange activities to contribute to the inheritance and dissemination of traditional culture.


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