Zhuhai Hosts a Theme Hanfu Culture Festival

Zhuhai Hosts a Theme Hanfu Culture Festival

Zhuhai Hosts a Theme Hanfu Culture Festival - Image 1 Teachers and students of Zhuhai Xiangzhang Middle School wore Hanfu and experienced the charm of traditional culture together. Photo by Zhu Xi

China News Service, Guangdong News, April 27 (Deng Yuanwen Tianwei) In order to inherit and carry forward the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation and reflect the beauty of the national uniform medal on clothes, Zhuhai Xiangzhang Middle School held a ceremony on the 27th. Hanfu Cultural Festival garden activities with the theme of "Changchang and neon clothes, reaching Yu Boyuan". Teachers and students dressed in Hanfu, tasted classics together and felt the charm of traditional culture.

At the event site, students from each class wore various Hanfu, held props, and walked along with the music, performing a wonderful parade performance. They danced gracefully, held scrolls in their hands, or chanted poems, as if they had traveled back to the prosperous times thousands of years ago, demonstrating the breadth and depth of Chinese culture.

As the melodious bells beckoned, the teachers, students, staff and friends who came for the Hanfu Parade gathered beside the sculpture waterside in the school, and accompanied by the long-sleeved dance of "The Book of Songs - Plucking Wei", classmates The friends leaned over to dip their hands in the water, tapped their foreheads, and blessed each other, pushing this Hanfu Festival event to a climax.

Zhuhai Hosts a Theme Hanfu Culture Festival - Image 2 Teachers and students of Zhuhai Xiangzhang Middle School wore Hanfu and experienced the charm of traditional culture together. Photo by Zhu Xi

At the Hanfu Cultural Festival garden event, Xiangzhang Middle School set up traditional games. The traditional Chinese culture room with the fragrance of calligraphy and ink is "poetry-copying", "Yaoqin music notation" is waiting for guests under the camphor tree, paper kites are flying in the green playground "Kite Flying" to release good expectations, and the prayer tree is hung with auspicious wishes. All your wishes come true, the "Ink Painting Pill" on the library book bar platform"Green" highlights the national style and charm.

"Holding the Hanfu Festival is not only to allow students to understand and inherit Chinese wisdom, but also reflects the school's educational philosophy of integrating tradition and modernity and promoting cultural inheritance. Faye Wong, principal of Zhuhai Xiangzhang Middle School, said that Xiangzhang Middle School held the special Hanfu Festival activities precisely to give students the opportunity to experience and learn knowledge about Chinese literature and history, and to inherit cultural classics. They not only "play and enjoy it", but also Unknowingly, the excellent traditional Chinese culture is infiltrated into the soul (End)