Young People in Jiangnan Ancient Town's Old Streets Are Drawn to Hanfu

Young People in Jiangnan Ancient Town's Old Streets Are Drawn to Hanfu

China News Service, Hangzhou, April 27 (Strict Guoxuan, Shao Yanfei) Drink a cup of traditional Chinese medicine coffee in Qinghefang, Hangzhou, take photos in the streets and alleys of Xitang Ancient Town, Jiashan, wearing Hanfu, and enjoy the Yangzhou Commentary in the Dongguan Historical and Cultural District of Yangzhou Performance... Recently, reporters walked into the old streets of ancient towns in Zhejiang and Jiangsu provinces, and felt the long ancient charm concentrated in the bricks and tiles, the sound of oars and the shadows of boats. The new vitality of the blend of tradition and modernity is also becoming the "Z Generation" I feel good.

Young People in Jiangnan Ancient Town

The picture shows a water wedding in Anchang Ancient Town, Shaoxing, Zhejiang. Photo by Qiang Ge

In the ancient town of Anchang, Shaoxing, Zhejiang, when the reporter visited, an Ming Dynasty wedding was being held on the clear water, recreating the local wedding custom of picking up brides on a awning boat. From simple performances to customized services, couples have booked their own water weddings during this May Day holiday.

Wang Jian, deputy commander of the Anchang Ancient Town Protection, Development and Construction Headquarters, said: "Young tourists have a growing demand for more personalized and differentiated services. While maintaining the original style of the ancient town, we focus on embodying 'Local', achieving a 'two-way journey' between historical and cultural value and tourism and leisure value." Nianbadu Town, Jiangshan, Zhejiang, has developed theme inns and scripted tours based on the old residence of Jiang Yuhong, a cultural relic protection unit. New business formats such as immersive experience have attracted many young tourists, making the ancient town style no longer just "a dream lost in the mountains."

Young People in Jiangnan Ancient Town

Recently, the "Craftsmen's Collection" was held at the former site of the Jiangsu Procuratorate in No. 32 neighborhood of the ancient city of Suzhou."Heritage - Immersive Famous City Intangible Cultural Heritage Experience Exhibition". The picture shows the staff showing the Kunqu Opera AI face-changing photo experience process. Photo by Guoxuan

At the former site of the Jiangsu Prosecution Office in Neighborhood No. 32, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, An intangible cultural heritage experience exhibition is being held. Kunqu Opera's AI face-changing photography, digital "chess, calligraphy and painting", etc. have given cultural heritage the wings of digital technology. Many parents are bringing their children to experience Suzhou's unique intangible cultural heritage skills and educate them. Music arouses children's love for traditional culture.

In a music tavern in Jiaoxi Ancient Town, Changzhou, there is a saying at the entrance: "Cultural heritage is a bridge for us to dialogue with future young people." , the "half-wall of yellow stone" is dotted with cafes and specialty intangible cultural heritage shops opened by locals, Zhang Quanfeng, a senior architect at the Architectural Design Institute of Southeast University, said that there are already local elders such as Yao Xiaosong and Shen Rongfen who insist on tofu shops. Intangible cultural heritage skills are taught to young people, and there are many post-90s entrepreneurs such as Tang Zhenyi who have returned to their hometowns to open new teahouses, promoting the integration of form, business, culture and ecology.

In Nanxun, Huzhou. As for the ancient town, its focus is on the "new youth, new economy, new business format" ancient town revitalization project.

The No. 5 Coffee Shop on the Bund, which officially opened in August last year, will be the Nanxun Grain Station, a cultural relic protection unit in Huzhou City. The general granary was transformed into a magical world, retaining the original appearance of the granary. The decoration was in line with the requirements of "cultural relics revitalization" and incorporated the furnishings of Zhang Shiming's former residence, a national key cultural relic protection unit in Nanxun, as well as the magical elements of Harry Potter favored by young people, making this place The store is full of attractions.

Cultural inheritance, people are the key factor.

In the historical and cultural district of Xiaoxi Street, Huzhou, Zhejiang, Wang Jingjing, a sophomore majoring in software technology at Huzhou Vocational and Technical College. Wearing Hanfu, she introduced to tourists the brooches she made using the flower wrapping technique. Meng Fei, the instructor, said that the school’s “Encountering Intangible Cultural Heritage” studio offers intangible cultural heritage experience courses such as wrapping flowers, velvet flowers, and bead editing to provide internal training for the team. and cultivating student volunteers through online teaching of intangible cultural heritage inheritors.

From preparatory programmers to intangible cultural heritage “craftsmen”, Wang Jingjing said that she was attracted by the exquisite appearance of the flower-wrapped crafts at first, and later on. While learning to make, I gradually felt its cultural charm. “We added modern fashion elements into the design. They collided with intangible cultural heritage techniques to create novel and diverse cultural and creative products, proving that cultural heritage can also be 'live' and 'fashionable'. stand up. ”

Young People in Jiangnan Ancient Town

The picture shows Guqin teacher Gao Tingxin playing Guqin at Yongle Qinfang in Renfengli Historical and Cultural District, Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province. Photo by Guoxuan

Also because of his love, Gao Tingxin, who majored in computer science, crossed over and became a guqin teacher at Yongle Qinfang in Renfengli Historical and Cultural District, Yangzhou. "I usually teach, and more and more young people are interested in guqin."

At the last stop, the reporter walked into Xitang Ancient Town, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province. "The water of the Spring and Autumn Period, the towns of the Tang and Song Dynasties, the architecture of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and the modern people", walking through the vivid and poetic Jiangnan, many tourists wore various Hanfu and took photos on the bank of the ancient bridge. The traditional costumes complemented the style of the ancient town. .

According to reports, Xitang Ancient Town has held the 11th China Xitang Hanfu Culture Week, attracting Hanfu enthusiasts from more than 20 countries (regions) including South Korea and Malaysia.

“Young people are increasingly willing to pay for emotional value,” said local tour guide Xiao Shen. (End)

Source: China News Network